It is not fair if poor people cannot access a good education just because of being poor, and it isn't fair either if rich people can access it just for being rich. It isn't also fair to treat equally people that are not equal, and not all the people are equal, that's for sure.
People should get what they deserve and money is not a merit, to access education it should be proved that it is going to be well used, this means that it should be proved that the people accessing a higher/harder education should be clever enough to handle the concepts relative to that education, to prove this al the people should have the same opportunities, independently of race, economic situation, gender, etc.
In fact, people shouldn't vote, a commitee made of the experts in a matter should decide in that matter under some equality principles that guarantee that their decision is the best for the common good, and not biased towards their interest. In the end, if the ethical criteria (these principles) and the technical criteria (those related with the expertise of the people making the decision) are clear and specific enough (and they should be) the decision would consist merely on appliying these criteria, and it wouldn't matter who is the person applying them.
There are many politics in the world, and many people that are not politics but study subjects related with politics, they should create this criteria for once, with the shared effort it would be feasible, I have no doubt about it, and the world would be a much better place.
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