Their parents are responsible. See above.
To a degree, but there is a point where you full well know its a distinct possiblity that they cross that its your problem..
Interstate=dangerous territory to cross on foot. Landmine=dangerous territory to cross on foot. Same thing.
Except one isn't desigend to stop people..
Your silly to assume that it will not be tried..dkrustyklown
You're silly to dismiss the efficacy of brute force. It really is the simplest solution.
It is also the most brutal and will result in the loss of human life.
Maybe becasue we value human life and the like far more instead of being inconvienced alittle in life to getting a extra card to stop the businesses who are brekaign the law.. Yeah they are also warzones to stop troops, not desperate civilians.. You maybe able to live with it, but I certainly can't.. If me going a hour out of my way to get an extra card which will better police the bussinesses willing to breka the law and hire illegals at slave wages.. And avoid something like this that will undoubtably lead to the possibility of loss of human life including children that were not responsible.. Then yes..
I value my convenience more than the lives of criminals who enter this country illegally.
Even at the cost of children? You think that a guy that is on a shoot out in his house with children in the mix that the police will go balls in and gun downe very one? No..
You might be willing to sacrifice some of your time in order that illegal aliens be kept out peacefully, but I'm not. If I have to choose between my spare time and the life of a criminal, I choose to keep my time. I'm the type of person that wouldn't think twice about gunning a burglar or vandal down.
Maybe you would if that burglar was carrying their child?:lol:
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