So a few weeks ago the CEO of Chick Fil A was asked about his views on marriage and family and he said he believes in the "biblical" definition of marriage/family. Big deal right? But a whole bunch of liberals got mad. Anyways Conservatives decided to have a Chick Fil A appreciation day to go in and eat a bunch of chicken at the restaurants and a whole bunch of people showed up, while gay groups decided to hold a "same-sex kiss day" on that same day where same-sex couples would kiss outside of Chick Fil A (perhaps they were hoping it would ruin straight people's appetites causing them to buy less chicken). Of course the same-sex kissers were vastly outnumbered by the Chick Fil A customers (because afterall the number of people who would kiss another dude is a lot less than the number of people who eat chicken sangwiches).
But anyway it turns out at a lot of these Chick Fil A resturaunts the manager or employees were quite nice to the gay groups protesting outside their restaurants. For instance in Kansas the owner of the Chick Fil A restaurant handed out free chicken sandwiches and water to the protesters and at another location employees handed out lemonade and scotch (okay I made up the scotch part, but they did hand out lemonade) to the protesters.
That was pretty nice of Chick Fil A to do and a good PR move, but did handing lemonade and water to the protesters keep them protesting longer (after all giving them drinks makes it less likely that they'll disband and go home to get out of the heat or to get a drink, or maybe Chick Fil A though giving them a drink would make them go home to take a leak).
So what do you think of Chick Fil A's handing out of drinks and sangwiches? It's probably a good idea, after all Chick Fil A is a Christian business and may be hoping their kind move may help nudge some of these protesters to conversion and salvation. Chick FIl A certainly treated those protesters better than that abortionist who turns his sprinklers on pro-life "prayer warriors" does to his protesters.
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