And what is the excuse to vote no on it? Just because you don't like something is no reason to make it illegal.
Sure it is. Not everything that is considered a sin by people affects the person themselves.So if i thought black people are sub-human and created by god to serve me. it would be ok for me to try and pass a law to re-legalise slavery?
If I think women are to stupid to understand politics, it would be fine for me to try to take away their right to vote?
If your religion says gays are bad, ok then thats your religion. But you have no right to impose that religion on anyone else
Not the same thing. And the Bible doesnt promote those things (blacks sub human, women are stupid), neither do any of the main religions, so that isnt anything that we would have to realistically deal with. And since they are Christians like me, then yes they should take a stance for many things. They have an obligation to God, more than anything, a person who they (and I) believe is a person who created everything, and is over everyone. We get what is just from the Lord (who made everything), this is his world, and he is the rule of law, not something that we think may or may not be ok, and then we change our mind once we think it isnt, and then that might not be the "right" thing that we think, and so on etc.
And since we believe this, you shouldnt bring up "what about other religions", since we dont believe in the gods of other religions anyway. That doesnt mean that we are evil, or despise or want to cause any sort of hatred towards other religions just so you know. And dont be surprised that I say this, this is what the Bible discusses.
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