That depends upon the definition of benevolent. This question is akin to the abortion debate. That is, if a parent knows that his child will be retarded should the parent abort the child or allow for life? In a similar manner, should God in knowing that men will fall into sin simply "abort" the creation or should he allow for life? Personally speaking, in both occasions I believe the latter is the more benevolent choice.[QUOTE="mindstorm"][QUOTE="pdevil21"]
If the Christian God thinks he cannot make souls to live in humans on Earth without ultimately torturing some in Hell for eternity, then why is having humanity worth it? Wouldn't the benevolent choice be to not make humanity?
Did God get "pregnant" with the creation of humanity or something? How was it not under his control to not start making it? You can't abort a project you never started.
This is my take on this. God existed before time and before he made the world, I can't wrap my mind around how this is but this is what The Bible states. Now God was with the son and the holy spirit and was perfectly content pouring love on each of the other two and those two pouring love on the other two which is the Holy Trinity One, God but three persons. So if God was so content with this why did he create humans? Well I believe it's because God's love and grace was so much it overflowed from Him and so He created humans for the purpose that we would share in his joy and love by glorifying Him.
So we have Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. To shorten it up, these two were tempted by Satan and chose to listen to Satan rather than God and caused sin to enter their lives. Since that moment we have been cursed because we chose to not depend on God but ourselves for our identity, and so to make a long story short we have this corrupt world we live in today. For the result of sin is death so whoever lives a life of sin can't live. But God knew what would happen (he knows all) and so since that moment when our first parents sinned he promised the coming of His Son to pay the price for sin, so we can be redeemed through Christ by grace, so we are not condemned to Hell but can be with God as sons and daughters.
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