[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="jlh47"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="CommanderShiro"] [QUOTE="blackngold29"][QUOTE="CommanderShiro"]It represents Southern Heritage and Pride. People believe it represents hate because groups like the KKK and Skinheads are using it the wrong way. I know so many people that wear the flag with pride and they are not racist at all. If they were they wouldn't be my friend. jlh47
Pride in what though? If they don't support the belifs of the confederates then why use their symbols?The belief of the Confederates was about the Southern States having freedom from the Union. The war was fought because the government kept interfering with their way of life. It was Federal govt vs. States Rights. [QUOTE="CommanderShiro"]It represents Southern Heritage and Pride. People believe it represents hate because groups like the KKK and Skinheads are using it the wrong way. I know so many people that wear the flag with pride and they are not racist at all. If they were they wouldn't be my friend. sSubZerOo
The secession from the union, and the creation of the confederacy (which the Confederate flag represents) directly has to do with the insitution of slavery.. Thats why they seceded and that is it. And I also find this laughable "sourthern heritage and pride" yeah because the support of one the darkest parts in our history, slavery, is somethign to take pride in.
Slavery did play a role, but it wasn't only about slavery. States that were free would always overrule something the South wanted to do in Congress.The south also pressed forward liberty breaking laws like the Fugitive Slave Act.. Which took away herbus Corpus, it made any free blacks in the north completely at risk from being kid napped.. That happened quite often where slavers went across the Ohio river grabbed a free black person.. Brought them infront of a judge and claimed it was theirs.. For the most part they were given it, inless anotehr white person spoke out agianst them.. Most did not.. Slavery was a huge hot button topic.. That if you even mentioned going against it, you were garenteed to have violence acted upon you.. Perhaps you should do some reading on this.. Because if anything the South in trying to combat anti slavery was far more vicious then the north.
Whether it was better living conditions, taxes, or changes of policies down there. Both sides lived different ways of life and had no idea what was best for each other. The South didn't enjoy Northern States making all their decisions when they had no idea how things were down in the South.
Completely false.. The states were evenly split for that exact reason.. And the majority of the north was for slavery for the longest time possible.. Abolitionist for the longest time were considered extremists.. And slavery became even more popular with the invention of the cotton gin.
If it was about slavery why did 5 slave states fight on the Union side? The war was fought over the constant involvement the Federal Government had in State Government.
Because they did not want to break up with the north.. Because they held alot in common with the north.. And also your point is irrelevent. The north did not originally want to abolitiost slavery.. The south SECEDED because they THOUGHT the north was going to abolitist slavery with Lincoln. Lincoln specificially was worried about doing this and prolonged this during the war by only freeing slaves legally in the confederacy, not the slave states that were in the north..
The reason why the South Seceded was because of slavery.. Plain and simple.. There is no way to get around it.. They feared Linclon would destroy their ways of life by abolitioning slavery.
so every southerner owned slaves?
I liked lincoln, but he didn't have the right to go to war with an independent nation. i'm glad he did though.
Just because the minority owned slaves in the south doesn't mean they were against it.. Most if not every one in southern communities and most in the north found it to be fine.. Not only did alot of proslave countries claim that the bible justified slavery, but they also thought blacks to be inferior, not to mention there was alot of racism during that time.. Read up any abolitionists trying to do a speech in the south.. Some were beaten unconcious, others were even shot dead.. The majority of the south supported slavery even if they themselves did not have slaves.
Not neccesarly for one thats if we even saw the confederacy as a independent state.. Secondly, thats if they even seceded justly which they did not..http://www.civil-war.net/pages/ordinances_secession.asp Lincoln was not attacking a independent nation as so much trying to bring the coutnry back again.. This has happened through out history, Lincoln was justified in most historians eyes.. Also the confederacy was not for small governments, they infact created a whole confederacy government witha president as well. Read the confederacy bill of rights. it gives the states full power.Top that off sooner or later a fight was goign to break out.. Witht he underground railroad being as it is, southern slave catchers would undoubtly come into union territory to try to pick up slaves..This would be considered a act of war in most nations eyes..
It was going to happen sooner or later.
whatever you say.
Yet again what does slavery keep on going in here? I know that Grant had slaves, but WHAT DOES THIS have anything to do with the south seceding.. They FEARED that the north would abolitist all slavery not that they did.. They seceded even before Lincoln coul give his inaugral speech for crying out loud..
And secondly they had to enforce a draft later on for the south.. So the Confederacy bill of rights during the war had to be some what changed.
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