Maybe when you get a job and pay taxes you'll come to my side Serraph.
So having a job and paying taxes requires you to be on one side of the discussion? That's news to me.
I have had several jobs in my life, and thus have the perspective you believe that I need. What I have come to realize however is that I would not be able to obtain those jobs without public education and I wouldn't be able to get to those jobs if not for the roads that tax dollars went to build. Heck my neighborhood wouldn't be nearly as safe it were not police officers. So despite having the perspective you say I need to be on your side I'm also aware that I couldn't get there if not for paying taxes.It's a bit of a balancing act, on the one hand you need social programs, any good stable society does. That's why people who say "socialism i evil" are full of sh!t, there is socialism in our society and it's nesseccary. However capitilism is needed as well, it creates wealth and allows people to pursue there dream, as well as create competition which drives our society.
The tax issue is hard to manage, but it's nesseccary. If taxes are too low the social programs get cut and people can end up without programs they need to rely on. If taxes get too high however businesses can't higher people or expand, and thus have to close their doors to employees and they raise their prices, which makes infaltion go up.
It's all a balancing act, like I said. You can't have one without that other. Capitilism + Socialism = Stable Soceity.
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