@The_Last_Ride: Which is a reason not to teach it in science, but you shouldn't ignore it in history, since it informed the outlook and is part of the context of nearly every western and middle eastern person since pre-history. Knowing that modern humans have been around for 100,000 plus years changes how we see ourselves and our history relative to how people of the past saw themselves. Knowing the planet is 4 billion years old and that hominin pre-history accounts for only the last 6 million changes our outlook on the world, our conception of possibilities; the fact that people in the past had a different conception seems an important fact to bring up in history class. There is a lot more mystery in our modern world. To people in past centuries nearly all of human history was considered a known event in their conception, and not merely by the uneducated or ignorant ones, but by all the geniuses and all the leaders that anyone could hold in esteem.
Always worth remembering that the father of the modern scientific method itself "spread the good news" for a day job as a Franciscan friar, and the Occam's razor principle so many try and use as a starting point for attacking belief itself, was likewise thought up by a Franciscan friar.
But maybe I misunderstood your original statement, which I took to mean "you can teach elements of the bible other than creationism in history, but not creationism since it holds no value".
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