Simple questing :).
If you need to choose in your life to be deaf or blind wich would you choose ?
I would pick deaf :p i think its very annoying to see nothing...
And i also would not mind if there is some silence.
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Ok screw this, I'm going with Blind. I like music.v13_KiiLtzHaving Earbuds on your ears can eventually get you deaf AND blind ;) Blindness is double edge weapon :P
[QUOTE="v13_KiiLtz"]Ok screw this, I'm going with Blind. I like music.DarthkaiserHaving Earbuds on your ears can eventually get you deaf AND blind ;) Blindness is double edge weapon :P Maybe if you're stupid 13 year old... Who's to say you're not going to randomly lose your eyesight to unforeseen circumstances (lulz at the pun) Anyway, blind people's the way to go. Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, DareDevil, Blind characters in Martial Arts movie's etc, etc.
I agree, this question is terrible. If I had to pick one it would probably be deaf.I really hate this question
I really don't think I should be thinking this hard about a question...
I like music, but I also like video games and staring at stuff.......UGH OH GOSH, Idk. :lol:
I have to choose blind....I really couldn't imagine never listening to music again.
that would depend. If i had it from birth, I would rather be blind becasue if you were deaf, then you would not be able to hear any words, and thus could not think using language. That would be really strange. No to mention that you couldn't communicate with most people. If i were to suddenly contract it right now, i would choose deaf because I will still be able to use language.
Deafness isn't even remotely close to being as debilitating as blindness. If you want a difficult decision make it blind or paraplegiac. Add a poll.
Pretty easy choice; deafness. Our world is structured for people to navigate with their eyes.
Yes, I would be unable to listen to music (in fact, I'm listening to Trans-Siberian Orchestra right now), but blindness would render me unable to play video games or watch TV.
Wow, EVERYBODY would rather be deaf? I mean, I realize this is a video game forum, and being blind means no more video games lol but, really? I'm going with blind, and not just to give a different answer than everyone else. Music is just too awesome to give up. Singing and playing guitar is HUGE to me. Plus, you get to wear cool sunglasses all the time 8)
Wow, EVERYBODY would rather be deaf? I mean, I realize this is a video game forum, and being blind means no more video games lol but, really? I'm going with blind, and not just to give a different answer than everyone else. Music is just too awesome to give up. Singing and playing guitar is HUGE to me. Plus, you get to wear cool sunglasses all the time 8)
Have fun walking with your stick.. or driving a car, or watching tv, or going to the movies. Or if you dropped something on the floor and you have to find it. Or try to navigate in a place you've never been to. Being blind makes you more immobile than being deaf.
Blind because then i wouldn't have to see your face, MUHAHAHAHA!
EDIT: but on a serious note deaf, lol
I would go with paraplegiac without a whim. Not being able to move with your legs is horrible, but you can still comprehend the world with almost all of your senses... Tetraplagia is probably the nearest to having a hard time deciding between it and blindness, but even then i think most people would rather be blind then tetraplagiac. Deafness and blindess are probably the most simelar senses, both making a preaty big part of the way you comprehend the world. Both make a huge void so to speak.Deafness isn't even remotely close to being as debilitating as blindness. If you want a difficult decision make it blind or paraplegiac. Add a poll.
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