Deuteronomy says "oil" and "hidden treasures" will be found in Israel in
the last days of history. The prophecies of Ezekiel 38 & 39 indicate Israel
will be significantly prosperous in the last days, before a
Russian-Iranian-Turkish(army of the north)alliance forms against her and seeks to destroy her.
Another Ynet headline today: "ISRAEL'S ECONOMY CHARGES AHEAD; 4.7% growth
in Q2: Israel's economic growth hits 4.7% in second quarter of 2010, leaving
behind Euro bloc at 4.1%." Key point: Israel now has the fastest growing
economy in the West.
Here is the proof or the coincidence
What are your thoughts? Middle east was always packed with oil? Its just a fluke? Or do you believe this may be a prophecy fullfilled?
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