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Physical disciplinary measures should be, it's child abuse. Good parents can properly punish their children and teach them a lesson without needing to use violence.foxhound_fox
Actually, good parents shouldn't have to punish their kids at all. It's been well-established that positive reinforcement is a FAR better tool for promoting good behaviour than punishment.
Why can't you raise your kids without punishing them?
[QUOTE="bman784"][QUOTE="-R3Vo"][QUOTE="bman784"][QUOTE="-R3Vo"][QUOTE="bman784"]Smacking around your kids is unnecessary and wrong, in my opinion. I don't think it should be legal. Parents should never have to resort to using pain as a preventative measure.Rekunta
You can't try to have a symposium with your 4 year old child when they're screaming in McDonalds or the Greocery store. You definately can't negotiate, because that shows weakness, and obviously tells them that what they are doing is right.
You're a part of the problem.
So you resort to causing them pain? I don't buy it. You can take away their privileges, or prevent them from getting things they want. There are plenty of methods of showing them negative consequences without abuse.You act as if they're trying to break their arm... It's a smack on their bottom, releasing hormones and letting them know that they don't control you.
You can let them know that they don't control you by not caving in to their demands, and showing some resolve. It's much more viable to provide deterrence by means of a reasonable conclusion, as opposed to deterrence by means of fear.Agreed. On another note, anyone that hits their child is telling them that aggression is acceptable. Good parenting? I think not.
That's like saying that you're teaching your kids that stealing is acceptable when you punish them by taking away their X-Box.
Seriously i used to get whiped with barber belts when i was know how thick that thing is and how bad it hurts
i will dicipline my children until they learn kids theese days have it to easy
If you're at the point where you have to hit your child in order for them to mind, you have already failed as a parent. The reason you have to now hit your children to mind, is that you were an incompetent parent during early stages of the child's cognitive development. When Little Jimmy is acting up, where do you think he learned it from? He is the parents flesh and blood after-all. Want to blame it on bad influences (bad friends, media, games)? A good parent would not expose their children to that. The same parents who have to physically punish their children for them to mind, are most likely the parents who do one of the following, drink in front of their children, let an underage child play an M rated video game or an R-rated movie. They also are probably the ones who let the TV babysit the child, or the neighborhood children.
Punishing a child physically should be illegal, not only because it is morally wrong, but because as stated earlier you're obviously a failure as a parent if you have to do so and you don't deserve children anyway. And to whoever said that people with these ideals would cave as a parent, I say that isn't unreasonable to cave in, as it takes far more work to be a good parent.
Just for laughs, when your child starts getting into fights at school you know who to blame, and I'm guessing the violent folks would punish him with :lol: you guessed it...hitting them.
Also would you hit your spouse if she stepped out of line? I mean you need to teach him/her how to behave after-all, how else will they learn?
If you're at the point where you have to hit your child in order for them to mind, you have already failed as a parent. The reason you have to now hit your children to mind, is that you were an incompetent parent during early stages of the child's cognitive development.
Punishing a child physically should be illegal, not only because it is morally wrong, but because as stated earlier you're obviously a failure as a parent if you have to do so and you don't deserve children anyway.
I disagree. You can't reason with a child simply because a child has not developed that skill. What they do understand is spanking. Disciplining your child does not make you a failure as a parent. I see parents try to reason with their child and it's pathetic.
[QUOTE="achilles614"]If you're at the point where you have to hit your child in order for them to mind, you have already failed as a parent. The reason you have to now hit your children to mind, is that you were an incompetent parent during early stages of the child's cognitive development.
Punishing a child physically should be illegal, not only because it is morally wrong, but because as stated earlier you're obviously a failure as a parent if you have to do so and you don't deserve children anyway.
I disagree. You can't reason with a child simply because a child has not developed that skill. What they do understand is spanking. Disciplining your child does not make you a failure as a parent. I see parents try to reason with their child and it's pathetic.
It's pathetic that you think hitting a defenseless child is discipline.
It's pathetic that you think hitting a defenseless child is discipline.
It's not like I'm using brute strength. It's a small tap to keep your children in line. Are you oppose to scolding as well.
It's my child, I think I should have the right to raise them however I like, or do you disagree with that too?
[QUOTE="achilles614"]If you're at the point where you have to hit your child in order for them to mind, you have already failed as a parent. The reason you have to now hit your children to mind, is that you were an incompetent parent during early stages of the child's cognitive development.
Punishing a child physically should be illegal, not only because it is morally wrong, but because as stated earlier you're obviously a failure as a parent if you have to do so and you don't deserve children anyway.
I disagree. You can't reason with a child simply because a child has not developed that skill. What they do understand is spanking. Disciplining your child does not make you a failure as a parent. I see parents try to reason with their child and it's pathetic.
Hmm one way is brute and barbaric, and like said earlier, the "easy way out".How would taking the time and going through all those headaches spending your valuable time trying to teach your child the right way in life (as opposed to beating them) be pathetic, it's anything but.
I find hitting someone who is at least 15 years younger than you pathetic.
[QUOTE="-Austin-"]It's pathetic that you think hitting a defenseless child is discipline.
It's not like I'm using brute strength. It's a small tap to keep your children in line. Are you oppose to scolding as well.
It's my child, I think I should have the right to raise them however I like, or do you disagree with that too?
Scolding imo is equally bad, physical abuse mental abuse, it's all the same.Time-outs, grounding, showing them what is actually right and wrong.
So your child steps out of line, and you do what? Oh you hit him and show him that if someone doesn't follow what you say, you have the right to hit them. There's your future abuser.
[QUOTE="-Austin-"]It's pathetic that you think hitting a defenseless child is discipline.
It's not like I'm using brute strength. It's a small tap to keep your children in line. Are you oppose to scolding as well.
It's my child, I think I should have the right to raise them however I like, or do you disagree with that too?
Agreed, this is what I meant in my earlier post, the few times I spanked my son when he was younger were love taps at best. Also if you don't have kids it's kinda hard to answer the question until you've been in this situation.
[QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]It's pathetic that you think hitting a defenseless child is discipline.
It's not like I'm using brute strength. It's a small tap to keep your children in line. Are you oppose to scolding as well.
It's my child, I think I should have the right to raise them however I like, or do you disagree with that too?
Agreed, this is what I meant in my earlier post, the few times I spanked my son when he was younger were love taps at best. Also if you don't have kids it's kinda hard to answer the question until you've been in this situation.
A "love tap" is all it takes to be defined as battery (or assault I forgot) on your fellow man.I see no problem with spanking your kid on its ass but with an open hand. I think hitting a child with a closed fist or kicking a child should be illegal. Along with other forms of disciplining a child with force.
[QUOTE="-Austin-"]It's pathetic that you think hitting a defenseless child is discipline.
It's not like I'm using brute strength. It's a small tap to keep your children in line. Are you oppose to scolding as well.
It's my child, I think I should have the right to raise them however I like, or do you disagree with that too?
Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
Hmm one way is brute and barbaric, and like said earlier, the "easy way out".
How would taking the time and going through all those headaches spending your valuable time trying to teach your child the right way in life (as opposed to beating them) be pathetic, it's anything but.
I find hitting someone who is at least 15 years younger than you pathetic.
It's pathetic because a child does not have the capacity to reason the way an adult does. I'm not saying that spanking should be an end all. I'm just saying that I believe it should not be illegal as it is a concious parenting choice. There is a huge difference between discipling your child to better them and child abuse.
[QUOTE="achilles614"]Hmm one way is brute and barbaric, and like said earlier, the "easy way out".
How would taking the time and going through all those headaches spending your valuable time trying to teach your child the right way in life (as opposed to beating them) be pathetic, it's anything but.
I find hitting someone who is at least 15 years younger than you pathetic.
It's pathetic because a child does not have the capacity to reason the way an adult does. I'm not saying that spanking should be an end all. I'm just saying that I believe it should not be illegal as it is a concious parenting choice. There is a huge difference between discipling your child to better them and child abuse.
I can't think of a situation where I think it would be acceptable for a parent to hit their child.
I don't understand what you are asking because of the way that question was worded. But I'll answer as best as I can. I don't believe children should be phsyically harmed as punishment. Spanking is simply child abuse in my opinion.
[QUOTE="achilles614"]Hmm one way is brute and barbaric, and like said earlier, the "easy way out".
How would taking the time and going through all those headaches spending your valuable time trying to teach your child the right way in life (as opposed to beating them) be pathetic, it's anything but.
I find hitting someone who is at least 15 years younger than you pathetic.
It's pathetic because a child does not have the capacity to reason the way an adult does. I'm not saying that spanking should be an end all. I'm just saying that I believe it should not be illegal as it is a concious parenting choice. There is a huge difference between discipling your child to better them and child abuse.
One light slap on the butt is all it takes, if you have to spank him till he cries that's where it is wrong. The reason it needs to be illegal, is because you have the parents that will take it too far and end up hurting the child.Like I said if you did the same to any other person, that's grounds for being arrested (at least in the US) so why is it ok to do it to a child?
Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
It depends on the severity of what a kid does wrong. I'm not going to spank my kid everytime for every little think he does wrong, that's just stupid. Children won't always listen to the parent, no matter how much you scold them. As the parent, you should do what you think is best for them. Look, maybe it's a cultural difference and you just can't comprehend spanking as a parenting tool.
[QUOTE="-Austin-"]Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
It depends on the severity of what a kid does wrong. I'm not going to spank my kid everytime for every little think he does wrong, that's just stupid. Children won't always listen to the parent, no matter how much you scold them. As the parent, you should do what you think is best for them. Look, maybe it's a cultural difference and you just can't comprehend spanking as a parenting tool.
Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
One light slap on the butt is all it takes, if you have to spank him till he cries that's where it is wrong. The reason it needs to be illegal, is because you have the parents that will take it too far and end up hurting the child.
Like I said if you did the same to any other person, that's grounds for being arrested (at least in the US) so why is it ok to do it to a child?
Please, there is not a common law for children. You have to realize that children are not "little adults" they are constantly developing. Spanking invokes humility more than pain, which is why it is more important for a child to learn at an early age. Without humility, a child will run amok, eventually grow out of controll and if not corrected, become rampant self-indulgent or maybe a criminal.
Only in a perfect (non-existing) world can all of life's problems be solved with words.
Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
I disagree, your child will not listen to you if they think they have the option not to. I see how new-age parents try to manage their disobedient children and they will simply throw public tantrums at the drop of a dime to get their way. Spanking is not violent, it's not intended to be violent, just understand that.
[QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]It's pathetic that you think hitting a defenseless child is discipline.
It's not like I'm using brute strength. It's a small tap to keep your children in line. Are you oppose to scolding as well.
It's my child, I think I should have the right to raise them however I like, or do you disagree with that too?
Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
That's just teaching the kid to start yelling at people whenever things don't go his way. If you scold your kids, you're teaching them that verbal abuse is okay. Yeah, that's REAL good parenting. :roll:
[QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="achilles614"]Hmm one way is brute and barbaric, and like said earlier, the "easy way out".
How would taking the time and going through all those headaches spending your valuable time trying to teach your child the right way in life (as opposed to beating them) be pathetic, it's anything but.
I find hitting someone who is at least 15 years younger than you pathetic.
It's pathetic because a child does not have the capacity to reason the way an adult does. I'm not saying that spanking should be an end all. I'm just saying that I believe it should not be illegal as it is a concious parenting choice. There is a huge difference between discipling your child to better them and child abuse.
One light slap on the butt is all it takes, if you have to spank him till he cries that's where it is wrong. The reason it needs to be illegal, is because you have the parents that will take it too far and end up hurting the child.Like I said if you did the same to any other person, that's grounds for being arrested (at least in the US) so why is it ok to do it to a child?
Well, I also can't keep anyone else locked up in my house without getting arrested. I also can't take away anyone else's car or PS3 without getting arrested. I also can't force anyone else to mow the lawn without getting arrested.
[QUOTE="btaylor2404"][QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]It's pathetic that you think hitting a defenseless child is discipline.
It's not like I'm using brute strength. It's a small tap to keep your children in line. Are you oppose to scolding as well.
It's my child, I think I should have the right to raise them however I like, or do you disagree with that too?
Agreed, this is what I meant in my earlier post, the few times I spanked my son when he was younger were love taps at best. Also if you don't have kids it's kinda hard to answer the question until you've been in this situation.
A "love tap" is all it takes to be defined as battery (or assault I forgot) on your fellow man.Well we shouldn't question each other's parenting skills in most cases, and like I said it was 8 or 9 years ago, 2 or 3 times. And if popping a child lightly on the butt is battery then A. a lot of people need to be in jail, B. Our country is making weaker and weaker kids. But most of us were spanked regurarly as children and we're not all nuts, and I don't spank him now, reasoning works just fine.
[QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
It depends on the severity of what a kid does wrong. I'm not going to spank my kid everytime for every little think he does wrong, that's just stupid. Children won't always listen to the parent, no matter how much you scold them. As the parent, you should do what you think is best for them. Look, maybe it's a cultural difference and you just can't comprehend spanking as a parenting tool.
Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
Oh, don't bother providing any proof to support that statement.
[QUOTE="achilles614"]One light slap on the butt is all it takes, if you have to spank him till he cries that's where it is wrong. The reason it needs to be illegal, is because you have the parents that will take it too far and end up hurting the child.
Like I said if you did the same to any other person, that's grounds for being arrested (at least in the US) so why is it ok to do it to a child?
Please, there is not a common law for children. You have to realize that children are not "little adults" they are constantly developing. Spanking invokes humility more than pain, which is why it is more important for a child to learn at an early age. Without humility, a child will run amok, eventually grow out of controll and if not corrected, become rampant self-indulgent or maybe a criminal.
Only in a perfect (non-existing) world can all of life's problems be solved with words.
Re-read did I ever state that there was? Still stands though if you even touch someone else you can be taken in, there still people too why should their rights be any different? Spanking shows weakness and bad examples. You can show just as much humilty by letting him know that he is grounded for a month because he snuck out.[QUOTE="-Austin-"]Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
I disagree, your child will not listen to you if they think they have the option not to. I see how new-age parents try to manage their disobedient children and they will simply throw public tantrums at the drop of a dime to get their way. Spanking is not violent, it's not intended to be violent, just understand that.
The parents should then leave the public place and maybe sit in the car for ten minutes with them while they calm down. That's why many parents choose to take the easy way out and just hit them, as opposed to go the extra mile and parent effectively. It's takes work to be a good parent.[QUOTE="-Austin-"][QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
It depends on the severity of what a kid does wrong. I'm not going to spank my kid everytime for every little think he does wrong, that's just stupid. Children won't always listen to the parent, no matter how much you scold them. As the parent, you should do what you think is best for them. Look, maybe it's a cultural difference and you just can't comprehend spanking as a parenting tool.
Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
Oh, don't bother providing any proof to support that statement.
How would I support that? If you hit your child to discipline him he wont want to listen to you. It's common sense, no kid wants to get hit. Honestly, do you want your kid to obey you just because he's afraid of you?
I don't see any problem with spanking your child. I was spanked as a child and never once have I been invloved in a fistfight at school or stepped way out of line.gun65
The only one of my friend's who got spanked as a punishment was the only one who ever got into major troube at school.. Basing things off of experience doesn't always work you see ;)
[QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="achilles614"]One light slap on the butt is all it takes, if you have to spank him till he cries that's where it is wrong. The reason it needs to be illegal, is because you have the parents that will take it too far and end up hurting the child.
Like I said if you did the same to any other person, that's grounds for being arrested (at least in the US) so why is it ok to do it to a child?
Please, there is not a common law for children. You have to realize that children are not "little adults" they are constantly developing. Spanking invokes humility more than pain, which is why it is more important for a child to learn at an early age. Without humility, a child will run amok, eventually grow out of controll and if not corrected, become rampant self-indulgent or maybe a criminal.
Only in a perfect (non-existing) world can all of life's problems be solved with words.
Re-read did I ever state that there was? Still stands though if you even touch someone else you can be taken in, there still people too why should their rights be any different? Spanking shows weakness and bad examples. You can show just as much humilty by letting him know that he is grounded for a month because he snuck out.[QUOTE="-Austin-"]Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
I disagree, your child will not listen to you if they think they have the option not to. I see how new-age parents try to manage their disobedient children and they will simply throw public tantrums at the drop of a dime to get their way. Spanking is not violent, it's not intended to be violent, just understand that.
The parents should then leave the public place and maybe sit in the car for ten minutes with them while they calm down. That's why many parents choose to take the easy way out and just hit them, as opposed to go the extra mile and parent effectively. It's takes work to be a good parent.Thank you, hitting your kid is taking the easy way out.
[QUOTE="achilles614"][QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="achilles614"]Hmm one way is brute and barbaric, and like said earlier, the "easy way out".
How would taking the time and going through all those headaches spending your valuable time trying to teach your child the right way in life (as opposed to beating them) be pathetic, it's anything but.
I find hitting someone who is at least 15 years younger than you pathetic.
It's pathetic because a child does not have the capacity to reason the way an adult does. I'm not saying that spanking should be an end all. I'm just saying that I believe it should not be illegal as it is a concious parenting choice. There is a huge difference between discipling your child to better them and child abuse.
One light slap on the butt is all it takes, if you have to spank him till he cries that's where it is wrong. The reason it needs to be illegal, is because you have the parents that will take it too far and end up hurting the child.Like I said if you did the same to any other person, that's grounds for being arrested (at least in the US) so why is it ok to do it to a child?
Well, I also can't keep anyone else locked up in my house without getting arrested. I also can't take away anyone else's car or PS3 without getting arrested. I also can't force anyone else to mow the lawn without getting arrested.
I'm not even going to try to make sense of that. What is the point you're trying to make?Wait I think I get it, the only way you can get your kids to mind is by hitting them and no way else. So hitting is the only way you know to parent? Jesus Christ someone call CPS (not really, they're a bunch of crooks).
[QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="-Austin-"][QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
It depends on the severity of what a kid does wrong. I'm not going to spank my kid everytime for every little think he does wrong, that's just stupid. Children won't always listen to the parent, no matter how much you scold them. As the parent, you should do what you think is best for them. Look, maybe it's a cultural difference and you just can't comprehend spanking as a parenting tool.
Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
Oh, don't bother providing any proof to support that statement.
How would I support that? If you hit your child to discipline him he wont want to listen to you. It's common sense, no kid wants to get hit. Honestly, do you want your kid to obey you just because he's afraid of you?
Frankly it's always seemed to me that if a child is hit when he does something wrong he'll think it's reasonable to use violence if anyone else does something wrong.
[QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="-Austin-"][QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
It depends on the severity of what a kid does wrong. I'm not going to spank my kid everytime for every little think he does wrong, that's just stupid. Children won't always listen to the parent, no matter how much you scold them. As the parent, you should do what you think is best for them. Look, maybe it's a cultural difference and you just can't comprehend spanking as a parenting tool.
Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
Oh, don't bother providing any proof to support that statement.
How would I support that? If you hit your child to discipline him he wont want to listen to you. It's common sense, no kid wants to get hit. Honestly, do you want your kid to obey you just because he's afraid of you?
dude its worked for about ten of my families generations and we all love and respect our parents. Its not like we got abused but we were just disciplined.
[QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="-Austin-"][QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
It depends on the severity of what a kid does wrong. I'm not going to spank my kid everytime for every little think he does wrong, that's just stupid. Children won't always listen to the parent, no matter how much you scold them. As the parent, you should do what you think is best for them. Look, maybe it's a cultural difference and you just can't comprehend spanking as a parenting tool.
Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
Oh, don't bother providing any proof to support that statement.
How would I support that? If you hit your child to discipline him he wont want to listen to you. It's common sense, no kid wants to get hit. Honestly, do you want your kid to obey you just because he's afraid of you? admit that you don't have ANY evidence to support that claim, and that you're now just pulling things out of your ***?
dude its worked for about ten of my families generations and we all love and respect our parents. Its not like we got abused but we were just disciplined.
Dude, not spanking has worked for about all my family, myself and most of my friends and we love and respect our parents. It's not like we weren't being taught what was right and wrong, our parents just used words rather than hands.
[QUOTE="-Austin-"]Thank you, hitting your kid is taking the easy way out.
How is easy=bad? Have you ever heard the saying "work smarter, not harder?"
Taking the hard way out doesn't make you a GOOD parent, that just makes you innefficient.
Guess the US should've just completely bombed the hell out of Iraq then, it would've been easier.
[QUOTE="-Austin-"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="-Austin-"][QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]Yeah, tapping him will really show him.
Why would I oppose scolding, isn't that the way you are supposed to do it. My kid does something wrong, I'm not just gonna haul off and start hitting him, thats just stupid.
It depends on the severity of what a kid does wrong. I'm not going to spank my kid everytime for every little think he does wrong, that's just stupid. Children won't always listen to the parent, no matter how much you scold them. As the parent, you should do what you think is best for them. Look, maybe it's a cultural difference and you just can't comprehend spanking as a parenting tool.
Your child will never want to listen to you if you hit him.
Oh, don't bother providing any proof to support that statement.
How would I support that? If you hit your child to discipline him he wont want to listen to you. It's common sense, no kid
wants to get hit. Honestly, do you want your kid to obey you just because he's afraid of you? admit that you don't have ANY evidence to support that claim, and that you're now just pulling things out of your ***?
at first yeah there going to be angels so they wont be hit but later on when they get to old to hit they will be able to reason better and know whats right and wrong.
Thank you, hitting your kid is taking the easy way out.
Easy way out? There is no easy way out with children, you need to understand that. Physical discipline is a parenting choice, unless you are the parent of a child, your opinion really doesn't matter unless the child is in very poor condition.
Like I said earlier, there is a huge difference between child abuse and discipline.
[QUOTE="gun65"]I don't see any problem with spanking your child. I was spanked as a child and never once have I been invloved in a fistfight at school or stepped way out of line.Oriental_Jams
The only one of my friend's who got spanked as a punishment was the only one who ever got into major troube at school.. Basing things off of experience doesn't always work you see ;)
well then we can't make any opinions since your opinion seems to be based off your one friend. I have met many kids that were spanked as children they were all competent people, the worst kids I've met is those who treat their parents like crap.
[QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]Thank you, hitting your kid is taking the easy way out.
How is easy=bad? Have you ever heard the saying "work smarter, not harder?"
Taking the hard way out doesn't make you a GOOD parent, that just makes you innefficient.
Guess the US should've just completely bombed the hell out of Iraq then, it would've been easier.
Or the USA should have launched a full scale land invasion of Japan, since it would have been harder. :roll:
[QUOTE="raider1648"]dude its worked for about ten of my families generations and we all love and respect our parents. Its not like we got abused but we were just disciplined.
Dude, not spanking has worked for about all my family, myself and most of my friends and we love and respect our parents. It's not like we weren't being taught what was right and wrong, our parents just used words rather than hands.
Good but im not saying anything against that I'm just saying that if you spank children to discipline it can be equal or more effective then just scolding.
[QUOTE="raider1648"]dude its worked for about ten of my families generations and we all love and respect our parents. Its not like we got abused but we were just disciplined.
Dude, not spanking has worked for about all my family, myself and most of my friends and we love and respect our parents. It's not like we weren't being taught what was right and wrong, our parents just used words rather than hands.
The thing is, I don't see anyone telling you how to raise your kids.
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