[QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="bman784"][QUOTE="-R3Vo"][QUOTE="bman784"][QUOTE="-R3Vo"] [QUOTE="bman784"]Smacking around your kids is unnecessary and wrong, in my opinion. I don't think it should be legal. Parents should never have to resort to using pain as a preventative measure.MrGeezer
You can't try to have a symposium with your 4 year old child when they're screaming in McDonalds or the Greocery store. You definately can't negotiate, because that shows weakness, and obviously tells them that what they are doing is right.
You're a part of the problem.
So you resort to causing them pain? I don't buy it. You can take away their privileges, or prevent them from getting things they want. There are plenty of methods of showing them negative consequences without abuse.You act as if they're trying to break their arm... It's a smack on their bottom, releasing hormones and letting them know that they don't control you.
You can let them know that they don't control you by not caving in to their demands, and showing some resolve. It's much more viable to provide deterrence by means of a reasonable conclusion, as opposed to deterrence by means of fear.Agreed. On another note, anyone that hits their child is telling them that aggression is acceptable. Good parenting? I think not.
That's like saying that you're teaching your kids that stealing is acceptable when you punish them by taking away their X-Box.
No, not with the assurance that if they clean up their act they will get it back in return. There's a difference between abuse and discipline.
Who's to say that they deserve it back at all? Now you're working under the notion that your kid is ENTITLED to an X-Box. That if you take it away from him, you've gotta eventually give it back.
Yeah, there's a difference between abuse and discipline. There's also a big ****ing difference between spanking and starting fights. Your kid beating the **** out of someone because he's mad isn't ANYTHING like spanking a kid in a calm, controlled manner.
If you're gonna compare apples and oranges, then compare apples and oranges. I don't see why you'd draw the line at comparing a granny smith apple to a blood orange.
Who the hell says they're entitled? They're PRIVILEGED to have an X-Box. Big difference. I don't have to give ANYTHING back, and can take and return anything the hell I want that is dependent upon their behavior.
And where do you draw the line between spanking and hitting, tell me? You are a hypocrite if you condone one and allow the other based on the rationale of severity.
That's what I was saying. Yeah, I can take away my kid's stuff, and I don't have to give it back. Is that sending them the lesson that they can take things that belong to other people?
Where do I draw the line between spanking my kid, and my kid punching a dude in the face? It's the EXACT SAME LINE that makes it okay to take away Little Timmy's X-Box, but makes it NOT okay for Little Timmy to steal a friend's Ipod.
The level of severity certainly matters. You can punish your kid by making him mow the lawn, but you can't make him haul rocks for 48 hours straight with no sleep. Raising your voice at your kid is also different than calling him a worthless little ****head. And yes, smacking him on his butt is different than punching him in the face. Level of severity absolutely matters. Pretty much ANY punishment can become abusive if taken to the extreme.
However, level of severity isn't ALL that matters. Parents have AUTHORITY over their kids. You have authority to take your kid's Xbox. Your kid, however, does not have authority to take someone else's Xbox, since he is not their legal guardian. You also have authority to punish your kid in other ways, such as by spanking them. You do NOT have authority to walk up to some random man in the mall and spank him.
I can't believe you actually need this explained.
And you needn't have if you'd elaborated in your previous posts. I knew this, but thanks again for refreshing my memory.
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