...cause here in my countrythe place is full of them...but here things are worse.
To start. I am 14 years old and I live in Greece.
First of all, noone here actually is aware that emo is the music not the dressing....
Eveyone thinks that emo is derived from emotional, but this is false.It is derived from emocore(=emotional hardcore)if I am coorect.
Anyway...you know how it is...I hear all day that, emo isn't a fashion or a trend, emo is a lifestyle from those kids....as if it os never goona fade out :roll:
Especially the boys...they are trying to hit on chicks by beind emotional and sensitive... :| I mean...are they so desperate??
Be yourself!! That's what I've been taught so far. No need to act like eveybody else, just to be accepted by your friends.
I knew a girl (13 Yo) who was such a nice and pleasant kid...now she claims to be an emo.She doesn't even listen to emo music, man!!She cut herself 3 times and I tried to make it clear for her, that she isn't going to manage anything by immitating stupid 15 year olds. Of course she didn't listen a word of what I told her...
Long story short.... W T F??? Why must eveyone immitate the GODLY celebrities??
Now don't get me wrong...I don't hate any of them...I just find it rediculous...
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