This homosexual (sisters friend) once told me he wanted my bod...... :/ what did i do you ask ?......torture him, like i do all homosexuals..........nothing hurts a homosexual more than when you tease them remember that folks.......so remember.....homosexuals are easily seduced.......they are a primitive species.......and you can basicaly get anything you want out of them.........cheese burgers from McDonalds and everything !
i love it
=D i'm kidding about the easily seduced part..........not about the cheese burger though.......easiest cheese burger i ever got..........you might think of me as a whore, for a cheese burger......frankly i dont care what you think because my stomach was full xD
My one friend who sits next to me in history class does that. I haven't told him, up-front but I think he knows I'm gay So, he'll say to me "I was working out yesterday, how do my arms look?" And he'll roll up his sleeve a bit. :P It's torture! :evil: :cry:
Muahahaahahaha you cant resist teh power of teh straight man. its your worst enemy !
My brother did that, after i got a cheese burger, cept it wasn't his arm........he rolled up his pants leg and said look at my calf muscle i think i hurt it playing basketball does it feel swolen to you xD
the guy owed me money anyways
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