No. The word "Islam" actually comes from the arabic for "peace" I think.
Islam means "submission"
Like, to submit one's self to god, no?
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No. The word "Islam" actually comes from the arabic for "peace" I think.
Islam means "submission"
Like, to submit one's self to god, no?
Yes Islam means submission, Muslims must submit themselves entirely to God. Which is why its so dangerous[QUOTE="Shad0ki11"][QUOTE="darkhorse286"]
No. The word "Islam" actually comes from the arabic for "peace" I think.
Islam means "submission"
Like, to submit one's self to god, no?
Yes Islam means submission, Muslims must submit themselves entirely to God. Which is why its so dangerousIslam could also mean I = Isyak , S = Subuh, L = Luhur/Zuhor , A = Asar and M = Maghrib.
Honestly, the religion itself is irrelevant and only used to rally a common people to protect its resources/its way of life from hostile western interests. Islam could be replaced by any other religion and achieve this end satisfactorily.
Yes Islam means submission, Muslims must submit themselves entirely to God. Which is why its so dangerous[QUOTE="Barknip"][QUOTE="Shad0ki11"]
Islam means "submission"
Like, to submit one's self to god, no?
Islam could also mean I = Isyak , S = Subuh, L = Luhur/Zuhor , A = Asar and M = Maghrib.
Hah. That's weird.
I do think its a violent religion and forget about the extemists because every religion's got extremists but islam rules are abit violent even though most muslim countries dont go by them now but i will mention some of them :
1) if you fornicate you will be stoned to death
2) if you steal your hand will be cut
3)homo sexuals are killed
4)once you get in islam you cant change to any other religion or you will be killed
those are some of the actual rules of islam mentioned in quran and are applied anf followed in suadi arabia but most muslim countries dont apply these rules but they are real
No. The word "Islam" actually comes from the arabic for "peace" I think.
Islam means "submission"
Like, to submit one's self to god, no?
actually it means peace.No religion is violence unless theirs own cult requires blood and such, which for me knowing that there's isn't in the Major religions.
It just the people who are extremest and believes that they much force there religion on others as it the only right way for an happy life, which is just bougest.
All the terrorist are people filled with hate and no good nor right morals
It's like any religion that is misused and mishandled by people looking for an excuse to spill blood. It's not the religion itself, but the people within which can make a religion violent.
Well catholic are the islam today, with the crusades and corrupt popes (from what i read and heard) but to answer your question i will tell you the answer "You will know a tree by it's fruit, for there is not tree that produce a bad fruit". I think those who read the bible will be very familiar with these word. Try to decipher it yourself (for non-christians).The religion of Islam has been labeled as the most violent of all the religious faiths, promoting terrorism and violent acts against innocent Americans. However, this accusation mainly comes from the select few Muslims who are extremists, and find it necessary to kill anyone who is non-Muslim.
As a practicing Muslim myself, I must say that I truly do not believe that Islam is a violent religion. I believe that the Muslim terrorists are wrong, ignorant, and heretic, and have refused to accept the real Qur'an for what it is.
Please let me know, do you believe that Islam is a violent, terrorist religion?
Be sure to read the "Religious Topic Guidelines" and avoid offending anyone with personal attacks or insults.
Well catholic are the islam today, with the crusades and corrupt popes (from what i read and heard) but to answer your question i will tell you the answer "You will know a tree by it's fruit, for there is not tree that produce a bad fruit". I think those who read the bible will be very familiar with these word. Try to decipher it yourself (for non-christians).[QUOTE="Tigerman950"]Well catholic are the islam today, with the crusades and corrupt popes (from what i read and heard) but to answer your question i will tell you the answer "You will know a tree by it's fruit, for there is not tree that produce a bad fruit". I think those who read the bible will be very familiar with these word. Try to decipher it yourself (for non-christians). i mean the catholic on the medieval age.The religion of Islam has been labeled as the most violent of all the religious faiths, promoting terrorism and violent acts against innocent Americans. However, this accusation mainly comes from the select few Muslims who are extremists, and find it necessary to kill anyone who is non-Muslim.
As a practicing Muslim myself, I must say that I truly do not believe that Islam is a violent religion. I believe that the Muslim terrorists are wrong, ignorant, and heretic, and have refused to accept the real Qur'an for what it is.
Please let me know, do you believe that Islam is a violent, terrorist religion?
Be sure to read the "Religious Topic Guidelines" and avoid offending anyone with personal attacks or insults.
Well I'm glad that most of you believe that it is a peaceful religion; I seriously thought that everyone despised it as violent.
No. The word "Islam" actually comes from the arabic for "peace" I think.
Islam means "submission"
Like, to submit one's self to god, no?
actually it means peace.Islam comes from the word aslama, which means "he surrendered; submitted". However it's only related to the Arabic word for peace: salam.
Source: Online Etymology Dictionary
Any religion that prays a lot and requires frequent visit to a gathering and getting brain washed is really dangerous and violent. It is basically a gangster joint, but much more organized and mainstream. Really really dangerious.magicalclick
You must really hate the education system if your definition of "brainwashed" is that loose.
First of all I would like to say that just one book doesnt mean religion, Without people you cant have a religion even if you have a book. Thus, a religion is everything including its extremists, normal people etc. These days there are bad apples in Islam, but they will spoil any religion whichever they adopt.
Moreover, it depends on what type of forces does a religion create. If a religion is tilting towards voilence then there should be elements inside that religion that counter balance that. I dont know much about Islam, but:
Have some religious priests in Islam condemned terrorism, suicide bombing, Jihad etc openly and clearly? For example by saying that terrorists will go to hell and punished by God etc. If yes then I believe that this religion has some elements to make it peace loving.
Those ARE Quran verse's right? Or is it just some conspiracy by the West to make Islam look like a Violent Religion?
Any religion that prays a lot and requires frequent visit to a gathering and getting brain washed is really dangerous and violent. It is basically a gangster joint, but much more organized and mainstream. Really really dangerious.magicalclickthat's why there are many crusades, to eradicate Islam because the popes and kings back then thinks like you. Islam is just the same like Christianity but the difference is that christians don't believe mohhamad as a prophet. While Islam persisted he is a prophet and makes it's follower prays 5 times a day, goes to mecca every years and kill those who do not believe or forgive the unbeliever. Sadly many prefer killing.
Jesus said "A good tree can't produce bad fruits, neither is a bad tree produce good fruits". I think he's talking about Islam terrorist, or islam itself, i think or maybe i'm wrong i dunno.First of all I would like to say that just one book doesnt mean religion, Without people you cant have a religion even if you have a book. Thus, a religion is everything including its extremists, normal people etc. These days there are bad apples in Islam, but they will spoil any religion whichever they adopt.
Moreover, it depends on what type of forces does a religion create. If a religion is tilting towards voilence then there should be elements inside that religion that counter balance that. I dont know much about Islam, but:
Have some religious priests in Islam condemned terrorism, suicide bombing, Jihad etc openly and clearly? For example by saying that terrorists will go to hell and punished by God etc. If yes then I believe that this religion has some elements to make it peace loving.
[QUOTE="dk_2007"]Jesus said "A good tree can't produce bad fruits, neither is a bad tree produce good fruits". I think he's talking about Islam terrorist, or islam itself, i think or maybe i'm wrong i dunno.First of all I would like to say that just one book doesnt mean religion, Without people you cant have a religion even if you have a book. Thus, a religion is everything including its extremists, normal people etc. These days there are bad apples in Islam, but they will spoil any religion whichever they adopt.
Moreover, it depends on what type of forces does a religion create. If a religion is tilting towards voilence then there should be elements inside that religion that counter balance that. I dont know much about Islam, but:
Have some religious priests in Islam condemned terrorism, suicide bombing, Jihad etc openly and clearly? For example by saying that terrorists will go to hell and punished by God etc. If yes then I believe that this religion has some elements to make it peace loving.
In theory, yes, but in practice we all know that bad fruits are possible any where. A religion is like a system and for a system to be non voilent it should have some elements to automatically weed out voilent people.
Of course. When it's publicly critisized for being violent, that person is threatened with more violence. Then there's the indoctrination of suicide bombers and the brain washing on palestinian TV...those sure don't help.
Yes but what does that have to do with the Qur'an in general? Just because there's a few bad Muslims (5-10% of them, in fact) who are terrorists doesn't mean the entire religion is violent. In fact, there are terrorists from all religions.
You should really cite the Qur'an if you truly claim that is indeed a religion that preaches hate and terror.
But before you do that, I think I've got something for you:
"Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just. " (6:8 )
This verse is basically saying that Muslims must deal kindly and justly with non-Muslims. Do me a favor and try to disprove that one.
Why would people judge a religion by it's words rather than it's actions? Not that I believe non violent Muslims are the same as the extremists, but the extremists are a part of Islam the same as any other Muslims, even if they're in the minority.Jesus said "A good tree can't produce bad fruits, neither is a bad tree produce good fruits". I think he's talking about Islam terrorist, or islam itself, i think or maybe i'm wrong i dunno.[QUOTE="Holy_Xbox"][QUOTE="dk_2007"]
First of all I would like to say that just one book doesnt mean religion, Without people you cant have a religion even if you have a book. Thus, a religion is everything including its extremists, normal people etc. These days there are bad apples in Islam, but they will spoil any religion whichever they adopt.
Moreover, it depends on what type of forces does a religion create. If a religion is tilting towards voilence then there should be elements inside that religion that counter balance that. I dont know much about Islam, but:
Have some religious priests in Islam condemned terrorism, suicide bombing, Jihad etc openly and clearly? For example by saying that terrorists will go to hell and punished by God etc. If yes then I believe that this religion has some elements to make it peace loving.
In theory, yes, but in practice we all know that bad fruits are possible any where. A religion is like a system and for a system to be non voilent it should have some elements to automatically weed out voilent people.
Meh... potato tomato i don't care. I believe that the true follower of god is people who help the poor, the sick, the lame, the blind. Not people that goes to a building every sunday, or people going to mecca every year, or people banging their head on a wall. I believe god and jesus and he is merciful and do not like people shouting his name in vain (killing people).[QUOTE="dk_2007"]Meh... potato tomato i don't care. I believe that the true follower of god is people who help the poor, the sick, the lame, the blind. Not people that goes to a building every sunday, or people going to mecca every year, or people banging their head on a wall. I believe god and jesus and he is merciful and do not like people shouting his name in vain (killing people).In theory, yes, but in practice we all know that bad fruits are possible any where. A religion is like a system and for a system to be non voilent it should have some elements to automatically weed out voilent people.
Yes, I completely agree with you and if all people think like this then any problem will be easily solved.
The religion of Islam has been labeled as the most violent of all the religious faiths, promoting terrorism and violent acts against innocent Americans. However, this accusation mainly comes from the select few Muslims who are extremists, and find it necessary to kill anyone who is non-Muslim.
As a practicing Muslim myself, I must say that I truly do not believe that Islam is a violent religion. I believe that the Muslim terrorists are wrong, ignorant, and heretic, and have refused to accept the real Qur'an for what it is.
Please let me know, do you believe that Islam is a violent, terrorist religion?
Be sure to read the "Religious Topic Guidelines" and avoid offending anyone with personal attacks or insults.
no way I think Muslims are one of the most peaceful people ever and I think its wrong to judge a group of people by things that are only done by a few people.
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