I do... First i would like to say that i don't condemn homosexuality nor do i have have anything against homosexuals. The definition of natural is a broad one, i researched it and i found so many different definitons, but we can define it as something that occurs in nature, so by that homosexuality is natural. I find this to be quite wrong as nature is everything around us and according to that definiton everything that happens in nature is actually natural.
I see homosexuality as anomaly rather than a natural thing. The anus is not a sex organ, you can "refute" that by saying "well neither is the mouth" and i'll have to agree with you on that, by that theory oral sex too is unnatural but i'm not trying to question the morality and legality of homosexuality (it rhymes) here.
Another argument for homosexuality is that we see homosexual behaviour in animals too, not just in humans. But so far only about 400 species have been documented to display homosexual behaviour. But that doesn't change the fact that there are over a million documented species (with still more being discovered every year). If it was natural everyone would be doing it, well i don't mean everyone, but there would homosexuals in every species. So in my opinion, that's what homosexuality is. An anomaly. The only argument i could think against this is that anomalies are perhaps natural occurences?!
And before you start accusing me of being a homophobe or a closeted homosexual, no i am not. And like i said, i don't condemn homosexuality.
Any thoughts on this?
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