I'm all for the death penalty. Most prisons are over-crowded and alot of tax money is being wasted on many pathetic human beings that are on death row or serving life-sentences.
I believe also that there should be harsher penalties for so-called lesser crimes, just because where I live I've watched the crime rate sky-rocket over the past couple years, many were committed by repeat felons. Alot of criminals escalate in their crimes very rapidly, so I believe in harsher penalties (Now what those penalties should be is another matter) for lesser crimes. Example: There was a DJ that had his eyes cut out by a man here in town. The man who cut his eyes out had a list of prior felonies ranging from attempted batteries and aggravated assaults. Now if this guy had've been put away like he should've been in the first place that DJ may still have his eyes. You know they only charged the felon with another 'aggravated assault' instead of what it should've been, it should've been attempted murder charges, because what that guy did is just beyond sick.
As far as I'm concerned, I look at criminals as defective human beings and every measure that can be taken should be taken to keep them off the streets, I know alot of people say "Buh...buh...the criminals are humans too and they have rights..." All I can say is once you commit some of the atrocities that criminals like mentioned above commit "**** their rights!" Their rights should be forfeit. There's too many sick, demented, worthless beings just eating up taxpayer's money and repeatedly harming the communities that they're in and I for one am sick of it.
So in the case of murderers sitting on death row, I'm all for it, they could throw all the life-without parole criminals in with them for all I care, I mean they're just sitting there waiting to die anyway, so just get them out of the way and be done with it. I also wish harsher penalties would be brought about for rapist, pedophiles and sickos like mentioned above, too many of them get short sentences and are then released and end up committing the same crime over and over again, put them away for long sentences, make sure they won't be repeating those crimes anytime soon.
I feel very strongly about this issue, I'm tired of the crime-rate constantly going up, so let's knock it down a few notches.
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