Why do so many people want a Desert Eagle? They are terrible guns...
- Too heavy
- Too expensive
- Expensive to shoot
- Difficult to clean
- Inaccurate
- Expensive to repair when they break (and they do break)
Just becuase it's in a lot of video games and movies and looks shiny doesn't make it a good weapon at all.
if im gonna spend that kind of money ill get a really nice sig or hk. and id take a .40s&w with 13+1 or more anyday over a .44 or .50.
my friend actually has a desert eagle .50, he shoots it about as much as he does his kimber 1911. which is probably why i always see him at the range with his glock 22. ive tried shooting the .50, it hurts, its horridly difficult to shoot and its too unwieldly. and this is coming from a guy who swears by .40s&w and .45acp. i love taking people to the range who think they know s*** about guns cause theyve played video games. I let them try my 9mm sig(by far the most managable recoilwise that i own) and they are surprised by how much recoil there is...
Yeah. There has been a real surge of people who think they know everything about guns just because they play Call of Duty. It kind of saddens me.
I only own my one rifle, a Mosin Nagant 91/30, unscoped. It's featured in a few games. Playing those games you would it had very little recoil, more than an SMG but nothing to bad.
It's fun to watch people fire it for the first time. The recoil is rather profound and bruises shoulders kind of easily. From what I've been told it's got the most kick of pretty much any WWII era rifle except for the SVT-40, which was a lighter, semi-automatic variant of the Mosin that fires the same ammo.
Its a beauty, too. *sooooo jealous* I remember back to my middle school days when I shot my first rifle. I had been playing video games and thought i was tough s***, then i put a few rounds thru a remington 30-06 bolt action...my should was black and blue for days. One of these days I'm going to find me a springfield 1903. ive always wanted one of those. cheers for good old fashioned rifles!!
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