That's a good clarification and probably something I should have mentioned in the first post. Your first definition is the one I was looking for. However, I disagree that conservatives believe homosexuals have the right to do it, as it was only seven years ago criminalizing sodomy was ruled to be unconstitutional and even today, many conservatives do not support legalizing same-sex marriage. Also, there is conservative resistance to gays in the Boy Scouts and in the military. Okay Gabu, you got me there. I said "legalize same-sex marriage" as opposed to "redefine traditional marriage", which is how most conservatives and liberals address the issue. I will admit that how the debate is framed is favored in the liberals' advantage.If you define 'accept homosexuality' as accepting it as something you have the right to do, then most conservatives already accept it. If you define 'accept homosexuality' as accepting it as being just as good as heterosexuality, then most conservatives will probably never accept it.
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