No, I know what you and the others who were arguing with me thought that I meant by my comments. A reference to my opposition in this matter as "you guys" was meant to target anyone who supports homosexual anal sex, OR who practices it. If you don't believe me, and/or aren't familiar with this use for the type of verbiage that I employed, I'm sorry. The fact is, I don't view those who practice anal sex and those who would support it in this argument as separate. So yeah, "You guys."
Oh, come on.
Here's your statement again:
You guys will find a way to justify anything you want to do, even when the specifications of the human body clearly indicate the right way. I can't even believe this conversation just happened. Coming down the chimney when you could've gone in the front door doesn't make sense to me. Apparently in your endless quest for certain pleasurable sensations, you're willing to deal with the dirty chimney. Justify it all you want.
You describe what we "want to do" that we "will find a way to justify", and you mention our "endless quest for pleasurable sensations" and that we "are willing to deal with the dirty chimney". And now you're telling me that this clearly was not intended to refer to those who enjoy anal sex and that we just think that. Well, in that case, please tell me what our "endless question for pleasurable sensations" is, and what this "dirty chimney" is that we're willing to deal with. Please tell me what it is we "want to do" that we "will find a way to justify". Please tell me those things, if indeed "you guys" is not the group of those who enjoy anal sex.
Whatever happened to letting your "yes" be "yes" and your "no", "no"? I am giving you the opportunity to save face here and exercise some basic common decency in terms of being honest about what you said. You appear not to want to take it.
By asking me to describe what "endless quest for pleasurable sensations" I was referring to, you're ignoring the basic point that I was making. Perhaps there is no endless quest for you personally, but for the cause that your argument supports, there certainly is. It's not about you, it's about the group that you represent by defending what they do in this debate. Not everything I said applies to everyone, of course. You're fighting for people who do these things, you're wearing their team colors, therefore, you are a target. Deal with it.
As far as "saving face" goes, what a joke. Please, get over yourself Gabu. You always try to assume the superior position in an argument on this forum, even when you should be backpedaling.
I don't expect much support here from any other users, since this forum (and especially this thread) is full of liberals who openly support homosexual rights. Of course they would attack me and support your arguments here Gabu. I'm fighting one member of the wolfpack, while surrounded by many others who are ready to pounce.
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