Do you think it's right for High Schools to penalize kids for being late2school?

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#101 deactivated-58df4522915cb
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Actually im gonna say no. i think there should be a 10 minute buffer zone 1st period before being counted late.

for me, back in HS i lived about a 5-10 minute drive away from my school. However, the only road leading to my school was CONSTANTLY under construction and the traffic seriously built up. like, all 3 years i was there. I could leave 30-45 minutes before school started and i would just barely make it. I even had an emergency note in my car at all times in-case things with the construction work went face-up and traffic stopped entirely. so as you can imagine, the tardy rate for the whole school for just the first period/homeroom was high, yet they still punished students for being late

so yeah, i believe in "extenuating circumstances" in this case

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I was late a couple of times, and I got Saturday school. Most punishments serve no purpose, and, as the saying goes: "There can be no justice so long as laws are absolute." Extenuating circumstances exist. School would do well to comprehend such things.

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#103 bbkkristian
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[QUOTE="bbkkristian"]lol Participation is like 5% of my school's grade, not much of a difference if a teacher takes off points. But kids at my school can get a truancy ticket (from the police) for being late too many times. Here's my stance on this issue: I see kids that walk into class 40 minutes late everyday when class lasts around 53 minutes and they don't get in any trouble while me, like the good Samaritan I am, arrives on time everyday. I think either I should get a cookie, or they should get a Tardy.lazyathew

I'm willing to bet those people who arrive late every day are getting much lower grades then you, possibly failing, because they miss too much information. I really don't understand why that isn't enough!

Its yearbook class... :P and they have other students do their 2 pages for them... :x I have like 10 pages!! Corrupt system? I think so.

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#104 chaoz-king
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In my school if you arrive later than 8 min, you aren't allowed to come in the class at all. And you'll need to come back after school for an extra hour of class


Also, am I the only one who thinks this sort of thing incourages students not to come at all if they are going to be late? Better late then never right?

Yeah the way my school did it was, for the fourth time you where late you would get "licks" (a spank on the bottom with a wooden paddle) and those four late days would turn into one unexcused absence. And if you had more than 15 unexcused absences of school you would have to go to summer school. Was so dumb I that one rule probably made me skipp more days of school and just forge a note to make it excused.
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#106 Shmiity
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There is an exception for every rule, if you ask me. You don't know everyone's story. High school was crap because they split too many hairs and tried to install stupid rules and stupid punishments. I dont really believe in punishment. Im also totally the "anti-authority" type, sothe teenage angst is going to come out a little bit here.

I didnt change for gym, orworry about showing up late. When you stop freaking out about tardyness, or your school work, you do so much better. My advice for highschool students is to get plenty of sleep. Your health is more important than the first period class, and the tedious assignments you get within that class.

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#107 daqua_99
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Being constantly late like you just described deserves punishment. Wake up earlier, or explain to your parents you need to be at school at a certain time.

The only exception would be for severe logistical or family issues, and even these should be discussed with the school. And by severe logistical issues I mean the lack of public transport when a parent cannot reasonably drive you. In your case it's just a matter of getting your parents to drop you off earlier, nothing more.

During my first 6 months at high school I had to get up at 5:30am to leave home by 5:55am with my parents, who had to drive me 45 minutes to catch a bus at 6:50am. The first bus took about 30 minutes, and then I had to catch another bus at 7:30am to spend 30 minutes standing up (or sitting in the doorway) until getting to school at 8.

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#108 SaudiFury
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Being chronically late should be punished, but not some huge punishment. just enough to incentivize the person to show up to class on time.

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#109 ad1x2
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I'm surprised some people are still saying they should get away scott free. Fact of the matter is that if there is no penalty for doing the wrong thing people are just going to do the wrong thing if it's easier. Also, its building bad habits. Most schools don't punish you if you're late through no fault of your own such as if your bus was late. On the other hand, if you're late because you was up until 12 or later on Xbox Live and overslept you should expect to be punished. Just because you're not getting paid to go to school doesn't mean you don't need to be on time. How you do in school will determine what colleges you can get into, which in the long run will determine how much you will eventually make. Plus, the better you do the more likely you are to get a scholarship versus paying for student loans for several years after getting your degree.

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#110 KnightSkull
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I'm surprised some people are still saying they should get away scott free. Fact of the matter is that if there is no penalty for doing the wrong thing people are just going to do the wrong thing if it's easier. Also, its building bad habits. Most schools don't punish you if you're late through no fault of your own such as if your bus was late. On the other hand, if you're late because you was up until 12 or later on Xbox Live and overslept you should expect to be punished. Just because you're not getting paid to go to school doesn't mean you don't need to be on time. How you do in school will determine what colleges you can get into, which in the long run will determine how much you will eventually make. Plus, the better you do the more likely you are to get a scholarship versus paying for student loans for several years after getting your degree.


There are a lot of people that think kids have a hard life and so should get special treatment for things like this.

The excuse of not getting paid to go to school makes me laugh. If that's the excuse someone uses as to why they should't get any punishment for being late, then don't go, drop out and get a job. One of the reasons for school is to get kids ready fo the real world, that includes turning up on time for things and getting some sort of punnishment if you don't.

Complaining about getting up too early is funny too, waking up at around 5:30 - 6 isn't early. My first job after leaving school started at 6am and I had to get up at 4 to get in on time.

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#111 Miroku32
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Of course. School has X time for enter, you must be even before X time in school. If you don't like the time then find another school. Easy.

If kids aren't taught to be in time in school what can you expect from them when they work?

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#112 AutoPilotOn
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Welcome to life.
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#113 rastotm
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The vast majority of the high schools don't offer anything valuable for the individuals who are smart enough to get good grades without lessons.
So kids with good grades shouldn't be punished and kids with bad grades should be punished.
The reason for this is quite simple, smart kids who have nothing to gain from going the lessons don't show up in clasz resulting in more time for the kids who actually need these lessons. Ofcourse a revamp of the education system with lessons directed at the individual would be better.

I personally had a meeting with some education officer because I didn't show up enough at high school, those people simply refuse to believe that you don't show up because you don't need the lessons.

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#114 AirGuitarist87
Member since 2006 • 9499 Posts
Get to school on time ya damn hippy!achilles614
I stood up and saluted this. :lol:
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#115 Planet_Pluto
Member since 2011 • 2235 Posts

No, kids should not be penalized for arriving to school late (even if a constant stream of late-comers is a disruption to the rest of the class who were respectful enough to arrive on time). It is more important for students to not be ostracized, so that they feel as if they are being successful, even if their gradesdo not meet any type of standards set.

This will not only help a student's/child's emotional well-being, but it will also better prepare them for adulthood, where being late to work has no repercussions. Regardless of the career, whether it be airline pilot, surgeon or teacher, punctuality is a non-issue.

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#116 dagreenfish
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No, kids should not be penalized for arriving to school late (even if a constant stream of late-comers is a disruption to the rest of the class who were respectful enough to arrive on time). It is more important for students to not be ostracized, so that they feel as if they are being successful, even if their gradesdo not meet any type of standards set.

This will not only help a student's/child's emotional well-being, but it will also better prepare them for adulthood, where being late to work has no repercussions. Regardless of the career, whether it be airline pilot, surgeon or teacher, punctuality is a non-issue.

These are all very good points. But you forgot to mention, as others have, that school just starts too early. Kids need to get a full night's sleep. How can we expect them to be at school on time every morning when they need to stay up later and not be in bed at a reasonable time?
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#117 hartsickdiscipl
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I remember one particular instance in the 10th grade where I was late getting from 1 class to another that was on the opposite side of the building. It was a logistical problem, and one that couldn't be easily solved. My first class released, and I had to go the my locker to get my books for the next 2 classes. We weren't allowed to carry our bags from class to class at that point. I got out of the first class, practically ran to my locker, got my things, and took off down the hall to try to get to my next class in time. Somebody ran into me, and my books/papers were thrown all over the hallway. I picked them all up and rushed to class. I was about 10 or 15 seconds late. That teacher had a strict "late = detention" policy, and I fell victim to it. I was fuming mad. I tried to explain the situation, but he didn't listen. It just had to be his way, hard-line all the way. From that day forward I never took punctuality quite as seriously. The rule being enforced when it shouldn't have been made me lose respect for it.

When someone can do everything in their power to respect a rule, and circumstances might possibly have forced them to fail, they need to be given the benefit of the doubt. Now we're not talking about someone who was late to class all the time. This was actually the first time that I had ever been late for that class, and one of the few times that I was ever late for a class in high school. However, it sends a message to students when they are punished for things that are out of their control. It tells them that it doesn't matter what they do, they are not good enough, and will be punished anyways.

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#118 Santesyu
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I really don't think so, I went to this one school where if you were late 3 times you would get a write up, but if you are absent 3 times you would not get anything at all, tell me what sense does that make.

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#119 Kenny789
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I hate getting up early to go to school at 7 everyday but that's just how it is. If the school won't penalize you then what's the point of setting a time? Students won't be disciplined properly.
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#120 Planet_Pluto
Member since 2011 • 2235 Posts


No, kids should not be penalized for arriving to school late (even if a constant stream of late-comers is a disruption to the rest of the class who were respectful enough to arrive on time). It is more important for students to not be ostracized, so that they feel as if they are being successful, even if their gradesdo not meet any type of standards set.

This will not only help a student's/child's emotional well-being, but it will also better prepare them for adulthood, where being late to work has no repercussions. Regardless of the career, whether it be airline pilot, surgeon or teacher, punctuality is a non-issue.


These are all very good points. But you forgot to mention, as others have, that school just starts too early. Kids need to get a full night's sleep. How can we expect them to be at school on time every morning when they need to stay up later and not be in bed at a reasonable time?

I think CLEARLY the best solution is to have the government intervene and remove the children from their parents.

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#121 hartsickdiscipl
Member since 2003 • 14787 Posts


No, kids should not be penalized for arriving to school late (even if a constant stream of late-comers is a disruption to the rest of the class who were respectful enough to arrive on time). It is more important for students to not be ostracized, so that they feel as if they are being successful, even if their gradesdo not meet any type of standards set.

This will not only help a student's/child's emotional well-being, but it will also better prepare them for adulthood, where being late to work has no repercussions. Regardless of the career, whether it be airline pilot, surgeon or teacher, punctuality is a non-issue.


These are all very good points. But you forgot to mention, as others have, that school just starts too early. Kids need to get a full night's sleep. How can we expect them to be at school on time every morning when they need to stay up later and not be in bed at a reasonable time?

Some schools do start too early IMO. It doesn't matter what time I get to bed, I've always had trouble learning before about 10am. My brain doesn't fully wake up until closer to noon.

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#122 dagreenfish
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No, kids should not be penalized for arriving to school late (even if a constant stream of late-comers is a disruption to the rest of the class who were respectful enough to arrive on time). It is more important for students to not be ostracized, so that they feel as if they are being successful, even if their gradesdo not meet any type of standards set.

This will not only help a student's/child's emotional well-being, but it will also better prepare them for adulthood, where being late to work has no repercussions. Regardless of the career, whether it be airline pilot, surgeon or teacher, punctuality is a non-issue.


These are all very good points. But you forgot to mention, as others have, that school just starts too early. Kids need to get a full night's sleep. How can we expect them to be at school on time every morning when they need to stay up later and not be in bed at a reasonable time?

Some schools do start too early IMO. It doesn't matter what time I get to bed, I've always had trouble learning before about 10am. My brain doesn't fully wake up until closer to noon.

So you feel society should coddle you? The school systems should adjust to you? What will you tell your boss? "I know the work day starts at 7, but I'll be in 3 hours late everyday."? it's called personal responsibility. You are responsible for being somewhere on time. Doesn't matter why you didn't make it, you are responsible for being there or there will be consequences.
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#123 hartsickdiscipl
Member since 2003 • 14787 Posts


[QUOTE="dagreenfish"] These are all very good points. But you forgot to mention, as others have, that school just starts too early. Kids need to get a full night's sleep. How can we expect them to be at school on time every morning when they need to stay up later and not be in bed at a reasonable time?dagreenfish

Some schools do start too early IMO. It doesn't matter what time I get to bed, I've always had trouble learning before about 10am. My brain doesn't fully wake up until closer to noon.

So you feel society should coddle you? The school systems should adjust to you? What will you tell your boss? "I know the work day starts at 7, but I'll be in 3 hours late everyday."? it's called personal responsibility. You are responsible for being somewhere on time. Doesn't matter why you didn't make it, you are responsible for being there or there will be consequences.

Settle down there chief. All I did was state what I've found to be a physiological fact in my case. I have a job that I get to on time, just like everyone else. All I was saying is that I can't perform near my peak until after a certain time. I eventually hope to find a job where I can always work during that time frame.

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#124 zeldaluff
Member since 2008 • 3387 Posts

As someone that was perpetually late to class, I think it's fine.

Not that it ever did anything for me, I didn't change my habits until university when my priorities shifted.

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#125 Eponique
Member since 2007 • 17918 Posts
I hate getting up early to go to school at 7 everyday but that's just how it is. If the school won't penalize you then what's the point of setting a time? Students won't be disciplined properly.Kenny789
There's no penalty at my school, and I always make it on time. The penalty is simple: if you're late, the teacher won't explain things that have already been explained. This results in a lower mark. It's the same as a job, miss time and you won't be paid for that time. Seriously, high school is a place for more mature students, and they should treated as such. It's not a place for hand holding and I hate it when schools try to do that.
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#126 Necrifer
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#127 MathMattS
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Hmmmm...that's a tough call. On the one hand, kids who have some kind of problem at home that causes them to be late to school shouldn't be penalized. On the other hand, you have to be fair to everybody. Kids can just as easily make up excuses. So I would say, penalize everyone to keep things fair.

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#128 dontshackzmii
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they tried to give me a dentention when my bus was late. Its not my fault the driver was behide!

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#129 coolbeans90
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Assuming it's habitual, quite obviously they should.

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#130 deactivated-58df4522915cb
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Its pretty easy getting off of being late to school. just have an emergency parent note in your car if you ever get late and there ya go, instant loophole. thats what i did senior year due to the traffic around my campus. hell, i loopholed the crap out of all my school policies