i guess my answer would be every attack seems like a false flag attack for some reason.
the lusitania was loaded with munitions and the german consulate put a notice in the paper telling americans to not get on the damn thing because they were going to sink any brit flagged ships in the area.
neverthless it was used as the excuse to go to war.
american intellegence services had plenty of evidence an attack was planned against pearl harbor yet it was sold as a suprise attack to whip up the population into a war frenzy.
On November 25, 1941 Japan?s Admiral Yamamoto sent a radio message to the group of Japanese warships that would attack Pearl Harbor on December 7. Newly released naval records prove that from November 17 to 25 the United States Navy intercepted eighty-three messages that Yamamoto sent to his carriers. Part of the November 25 message read: ?...the task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii
and the gulf of tonkin incident was a flat out false flag operation that is not even a secret anymore.
what is funny is that if 9/11 is legit it may be the only one that was.
meh, prolly all just paranoid bullshyt.
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