On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor.MrPraline
This is a great example of rhetoric compared to logic & reason.
19 men with boxcutters...factual....presented as unbelievable, but is perfectly believable because prior to 9/11 standard operating procedure for airlines was to immediately cooperate with hijackers. 19 men with fingers in their coat pockets pretending to have guns could have accomplished the same thing.
a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop....designed to denigrate the opponent, who cares if the guy was on dialysis, or had cancer, or was a super fit warrior. Of what relevance is this at all. Am I supposed to believe that only guys in suits in office towers are smart enough to plan this?
the most sophisticated penetration....laughably false. This was not sophisticated at all. It was simple. Which is why it worked. Your common drug smuggler runs more 'sophisticated penetrations' than this.
Most heavily defended air-space in the world...also laughably false. Internal US air travel then and pretty much still today is the most open, least defended air-space. At the time, the entire air defence apparatus was pointed outwards towards the borders and beyond. No one imagined an air threat originating from inside the country so no one devised systems to combat that. Why would they have internal air defense?
Overpowering the passengers....with the exception of the Pennsylvania flight the passengers appeared to have followed crew orders/protocol and cooperated. Why wouldn't they? So what overpowering are we talking about?
And military trained combat pilots...same answer as the passengers. Moreover, what makes anyone think military trained pilots are Rambo or special forces trained or something. Assuming the airline pilots did previously have some military training, they would have had to run, take a phys ed test, and qualify with a sidearm once a year. Big deal. Having spent 9 yrs as an officer in the airforce I can assure you that these pilots are not Rambos or Terminators. And as civilian pilots they aren't anything more than an average guy.
Before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor....sounds impressive...until you turn off the aircraft transponder making you a speck in a big wide sky. Meanwhile, no one stationed alert aircraft to defend the interior against rogue passenger planes. And the military does not do so well with making things up on the fly so you can imagine just how confused every one would be. Hardly surprising. It would take a while for civilian air traffic control to figure out anything was wrong at all. And then they couldn't possibly connect multiple events. And then who exactly do you tell? Its not like these guys practiced calling the military every day. Then you work the chain of command. Then someone sends an order to an alert fighter base and the two pilots take 15 min to launch. Then they have to find a speck in the sky. Yep sounds easy, like a well oiled machine..not.
I could do the same with every phrase/sentence of your rubbish link, but I prefer to pity you instead.
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