Do you think they should require you to do math each year in high school?
A lot of high school students that get a 3.0 or higher gpa have to do remedial classes for math when they apply for a college. The high school should have taught them that. Its almost like you havent got your full diploma by the time you graduate. A lot of student have forgotton the math when they graduate. I think if it was required to do math each year a lot less students would have to do remedial classes in college. Doing remedial classes puts you back a year and costs a lot of money. In some states 44% of the graduating students that go to college do remedial classes.
I think you can do all your match in 2 years in high school then dont have math to do for 2 years. By that time they have forgotton the math. Just one year of not doing math you forget a lot.
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