the operator is killing at no risk to himself. That's morally repugnant. This is how it legitimizes terrorism and puts everyone's lives at risk.Â
The fact that you can send robots out to do your war for you means you don't have to worry about flag draped coffins coming back. So the political cost of waging war is minimized. As less and less people are involved, society looks the other way and turns a blind eye to it.Â
or we switch to 100% automated vehicles with all tanks, planes and infantry or whatever within reason being replaced with drones and you get to not panic and shoot everything around you like a madman because you are in no personal danger.if you can send a guy into the field and he is in no danger he gets to hold his fire and confirm the target and the worst thing that happens is he loses his drone.
drones could be the most humane thing to ever happen to war when the next generation of pilotless vehicle comes along.
that's an interetsing thought. If drones are going to be used, they really have to be held to a standard higher than that we expect from soldiers. You can't just kill a bunch of people and then claim self defence. For a drone there can be no such thing.
Of course that's just the utopian vision of drone warfare. That's not how it looks from the other side with the buzzing threat of death from the sky. Inhuman, unaccountable, unpredictable. In terms of winning hearts and minds, in terms of moral authority, you can never win with this technology.
i just think this question has not been taken to it's logical conclusion because the baby steps are so appalling and we  get all caught up in the horror of war before people think about what the long term goal here is.hell, people freak out about these things being completely automated but i can make a case where that is exactly what we should be wanting to happen and for why we should be trying to take the human factor out of the decision to fire entirely.
a bot would never seek revenge for his fallen friends, a bot would never get up any bloodlust in the heat of battle, a bot would never have a survival instinct that would lead it to fire if unsure the target was a civilian or a friendly, a bot would never kill just for the thrill of it or because it thought it could get away with it.
now i doubt we will even let completely automated killing machines loose on the battlefield but the reason why we won't is simply because the general public is too stupid  to see the advantages in it.
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