[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"][QUOTE="ad1x2"] For all of the people who keep quoting this as well as the original person who posted this, what charges would you propose get pressed against the President? I'm talking about legitimate charges, not some made-up "moral" charges that wouldn't hold up in an impeachment hearing or Federal court.ad1x2
Failing to investigate/prosecute the war crimes of the previous administration is in and of itself a war crime. Also many of the tactics used in relation to drone strikes are of dubious legality. Bush, Cheney and Co. have found it very difficult to travel abroad since retiring, and Obama will most likely face that same reality. Are you suggesting that the Obama administration try to order the arrest and prosecution of the 297 Representatives and 77 Senators who voted to go into Iraq? In case you didn't know we didn't invade Iraq based on Bush's orders alone, he didn't have that power to do that and a lot of Bush haters seem to forget that....
As for the drone strikes themselves, you have to ask yourself if the administration wants to do the alternative, which is to put more boots on the ground when we are actually going through a drawdown. Granted, several of the people who are so anti-drone probably don't even know anybody who is in the military and could care less if troops die as long as it doesn't affect their personal benefits such as their college money or cause the draft to be reinstated.
From what I know about drone strikes (which is a lot more than at least 95% of the people on the forum, since I actually have access to information that I can't disclose here due to legal reasons) it works. Bad news gets better ratings and good news goes flapping in the wind, which is why the stuff that makes us look bad is more likely to make headlines. Not much different than how stories about what good videogames does gets overlooked in favor of stories trying to tie violent videogames to school shootings.
Well I guess Obama would have to prosecute Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. But I don't think Sun_Tzu meant that Bush did this on his own, he did mention Obama not being able to travel around the world (which I think is a dumb assertion because I doubt any country would try to arrest a former U.S. president).
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