Okay why is it that all family guy jokes boil down to this.
1.Inane pop culture refrences. How many times are they going to make fun of aquaman?
2.Musical Numbers that go on for too long.
3.Repetetion of Dialogue for the sake of being funny. Drawing out conversations wayyyyy to long.
4.Recurring jokes like the chicken fight.
The characters have no personality. We get it! Stewie is evil and a closet homosexual, Quagmire is a pervert, Meg is disliked, Peter is stupid and Lois is the voice of reason. No character devolpment whatsoever.
They draw out events in order to make them awkward but they overused it and now we are numb to it. How can you tell one episode apart from the other? You don't you just remember the notable gags. The animation sucks and is so lifeless. South Park has bad animation but that gives it charm while Family Guys art style is just sterile.
This one trick pony needs to be put down.
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