I used to LOVE Family Guy and thought "This show will always be hilarious" but the newer episodes are proving to be absolute crap. I just watched the new one on Adult Swim where Brian and Stewie are locked in a bank vault for 2 days and I didn't laugh once. I found myself saying "Thats disgusting" or "Why is Stewie always really blatantly homosexual? Its never funny". Its like Seth McFarlane wants the series to die, its all poop jokes, sexual jokes, or random stupid stuff that doesn't make ANY sense. The old episodes where funny and pretty consistent and good at keeping one or two stories in a different episode rather than this new jump all over the place, say whatever comes to mind crap it seems to have become. Meg is the punchline all the time. Peter is stupider than ever and not even funny, he used to be somewhat smart with all his references to old sitcoms and TV shows from years gone by and funny jokes that actually made sense. Stewie used to be the bad*** baby that was ruthless and wanted his mother dead, now hes all about homosexuality, in what seems to be a mocking way. Chris is hardly in any episodes anymore. Lois is a **** for no reason. And Brian is too busy trying to come off as deep and brooding to be impressive that he fails at it and doesn't even say funny one liners or punch lines anymore. What happened to the funny Family Guy? The Family Guy that didn't have to relate to everything that happens in todays world but pokes fun at our society's recent history? What happened to the show I thought was the pinnacle of animated American television? Someone please tell me.
TL;DR-Family Guy turned into crap. Agree? Disagree? Explain.
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