The growth of this "fat acceptance" culture in America leaves me legitimately confused. Not only are we expected to treat obese people with respect and never urge them to lose weight, but somehow we should welcome fat people into our standards of what's socially acceptable and beautiful. What kind of idiot believes people should reform standard sof beauty to accept obese or fat people? Humans inherently view slimness as ideal--it's a sign of health, hygiene, and to some extent intelligence. Obesity is an abnormal lifestyle that exists due to excess; it's not natural and never should be treated as such.
That whole debacle over that fat news reporter getting infuriated over some guy telling her to lose weight in the most kind, gentle terms really brought this all full circle. Link here. This guy never called the reporter "fat", "obese", or "overweight" directly; he never attacked her for her weight; he never made his comments public (they were in a private f*cking e-mail, and she CHOSE to make his comment public in an attempt to garner sympathy). All he did was encourage and try to motivate her to lose weight to promote a healthy lifestyle, a lifestyle EVERYONE should aspire to adopt. What we saw was this woman berate him like some sort of bully, mirepresent what he said in the crudest of fashions, and then cry crocodile tears as the public and media rallied behind her. It was pathetic.
I just wish fat people would realize their lifestyle isn't healthy, isn't sustainable, isn't ideal, and isn't admirable; there is no reason to respect an obese lifestyle when it's immoral and dangerous.
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