I'm picking Air Force, since I'm in it, but I doubt we'll win :(
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The Marines are the most badass, but I like the Air Force. First, because my grandfather trained fighter pilots in Vietnam. He was a staff Sgt. Second, because I root for the Air Force Academy sports teams (I live in Colorado).SmashBrosLegend
I don't mean to contradict you, but you're mistaken as to your Grandfather's job. Officers fly, back as far as WWI. They wouldn't have an enlisted E-5 teaching officers.
I'm picking Air Force, since I'm in it, but I doubt we'll win :(
WHAT? I ****ING LOVE USAF! Just look at that beautiful Hercules!!! And it's cousin the Spooky :D.
Navy may win though, it's got the Marines. Army has the poplular vehicles like Abrams and Bradley though...who knows lol.
Oh yeah, and regarding other militaries, I only know mostly about sweden's and UK's military, so either way, I'm still voting Air Force.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and I can't say who he is, but I know a project engineer that works there! Man do I hear some kick ass stories. He told me about a stealth plane (probably an F-117) that was shot at by a SAM, but of course it missed, but the pilot just shot smoke out the back, and started spiralling down to the SAM, then pulls up really quickly and fires a rocket taking out the SAM site!
[QUOTE="SmashBrosLegend"]The Marines are the most badass, but I like the Air Force. First, because my grandfather trained fighter pilots in Vietnam. He was a staff Sgt. Second, because I root for the Air Force Academy sports teams (I live in Colorado).RiSkyBiZ-13
I don't mean to contradict you, but you're mistaken as to your Grandfather's job. Officers fly, back as far as WWI. They wouldn't have an enlisted E-5 teaching officers.
He retired a staff sgt. He wasn't one when he was teaching.i like the marines a lot, but i heard that the navy seals are the hardest branch to get into. Putzwapputzen
I saw their Training on the Military Channel.. Some hardcore stuff man.
I think the second hardest job/division to get into is Rangers and Marines. I don't know about Airborne though.
i like the marines a lot, but i heard that the navy seals are the hardest branch to get into. Putzwapputzen
Navy Seals isn't a branch, it's a job. They are virtually impossible to get into, but not the hardest. The hardest is Delta Force, that doesn't fall under a branch and the government actually STILL doesn't officially acknowledge their existence.
[QUOTE="Putzwapputzen"]i like the marines a lot, but i heard that the navy seals are the hardest branch to get into. RiSkyBiZ-13
Navy Seals isn't a branch, it's a job. They are virtually impossible to get into, but not the hardest. The hardest is Delta Force, that doesn't fall under a branch and the government actually STILL doesn't officially acknowledge their existence.
You seen combat zone on military channel? Some crazy Delta Force stories on that show.
Theyre all murderers. rzepak
Are we now? I missed the memo, I never got the chance to "murder" anyone...
Ah opinions such funny things.rzepak
? You still haven't elaborated on your accusations of us military members being "murderers"...
What's wrong with the Coast Guard, their main objective is to save people and have like crazy fit divers etc (a plus for girls or gay guys:P).
What's wrong with the Coast Guard, their main objective is to save people and have like crazy fit divers etc (a plus for girls or gay guys:P).
They don't deploy. If you were in you'd understand.
Explain. Well lets analyze my extreme statement. From it I believe it would be safe to assume that my views on the world and conflict resolution are that of a pacifist yes? So maybe I find it ridiculous, just like you find my statment, that you talk of your favorite branch of the military. You see nothing wrong with this? How about a topic Your favorite war? rzepak
So you claim that military members are murderers. I'm assuming you're American. Where would you be without the US Military? Let's ignore WW2, the Revolutionary War, let's be trendy and call soldiers murderers. Some of my best friends are in Iraq right now, getting shot at and dodging IED's. Where are you? Comfortable in your own American home, free to speak such nonsense because of our brave men and women. People like you make me sick, and I'm ashamed to have you in the same country.
The Marines are the most badass.SmashBrosLegendThat's the worlds biggest misconception. Dweebs joins the marine corps because they think being a marine will make them a badass. I have nothing agains the marine corps but it's not as badass as the commercials lead people to believe it is.
I would rather join the army because even though the Army's rangers are Sea Land and air as well they are usually stationed with the army on land. Where as in the marines there's a good chancethat you will be stationed on an aircraft carrier with the navy since you would beMARINE. I wouldn't want to be stuck on a damn carrier.
The marines always get first strike missions because the navy can get there the quickest. That's the crumby part about being a marine. If you are inan infantry unit the navy will reach the destination first and the only troops the navy has is... marines & seals and they aren't gonna send their seals. So the navyisgonna drop you in the meat grinder. They send the marines to get the foot hold then once the army gets there they throw the marines in the rear with the gear. Which is a plus, becaue if you survive the suicide mission and secure the battlefront the army takes the front lines so you get to work garrison and and support patrols and the army has to deal with most of the BS. But one a battlefront and base is established the army has a safe haven.
I know several Marines. My Uncle isn't badass, he's just an ass. My friends step brother & friend were light infantry, my neighbor was artilery. He operated the howitsers and his son was a VIP body guard on the sea hawk and sea knight helicopters. Only my unclebelieves his wrecklessness makes him tough. He's not tough, he's just an idiot. Themarine corps may have given his feeble mind the wrong impression but the marine corps didn't make him idiot.
There's adiffernce betweenfearless and wreckless. Attitude.
My favorite branch is the one with best pay grade and benefits package AND the most useful hands on experience.
[QUOTE="MindFreeze"]What's wrong with the Coast Guard, their main objective is to save people and have like crazy fit divers etc (a plus for girls or gay guys:P).
They don't deploy. If you were in you'd understand.
didn't they deploy to vietnam? if they're needed i would assume they will be deployed again.
[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="MindFreeze"]What's wrong with the Coast Guard, their main objective is to save people and have like crazy fit divers etc (a plus for girls or gay guys:P).
They don't deploy. If you were in you'd understand.
didn't they deploy to vietnam? if they're needed i would assume they will be deployed again.
Oh, they definately would. It's more of an inside joke, no disrespect intended. I support anyone who serves, reguardless of branch.
Explain. Well lets analyze my extreme statement. From it I believe it would be safe to assume that my views on the world and conflict resolution are that of a pacifist yes? So maybe I find it ridiculous, just like you find my statment, that you talk of your favorite branch of the military. You see nothing wrong with this? How about a topic Your favorite war? rzepak
Here's an even better question, which military branched ended the WW2 in germany quicker, easier, and safer, was it the U.S. Airborne, the marines, or the Navy? (which I believe the Navy and Marines are part of the same branch, and I don't see why Marines, which is just like the rangers and stuff, it's just a division, get's their own voting slot, but it's too late now.)
And don't pull Hiroshima and Nagasaki on me, that was Truman's fault, Politicians and Dictators are the murderers, the soldiers just have to go fight and die! So respecting them is the least you could do!
I just picked the Air Force because they get the most badassery. Seriously, how does an F-15 compare in coolness to a foot soldier or Abrams Tank? No contest. camreeno360
I'm pretty sure because of the F-15, Saddams air force absolutely refused to go into the air :lol: can't blame them, they knew better, and now with the upgraded F-18, and the F-22 raptor, US will still dominate the skies (which will of course, control the land, you can have the biggest and baddest tank like the Abrams, but hey, with SDB's (small diameter bombs, they are like JDAM's but have a smaller radius and are more accurate, plus, fighters can carry more, and they are more reliable.) no vehicle is safe. It's even got bunker busting capability, so a tank sure as hell won't survive.
Also, JDAM's are now bieng laser guided, so they can hit moving targets, and if that wasn't enough, the upgrade to the JDAM hardly cost a dime.
[QUOTE="camreeno360"]I just picked the Air Force because they get the most badassery. Seriously, how does an F-15 compare in coolness to a foot soldier or Abrams Tank? No contest. ElArab
I'm pretty sure because of the F-15, Saddams air force absolutely refused to go into the air :lol: can't blame them, they knew better, and now with the upgraded F-18, and the F-22 raptor, US will still dominate the skies (which will of course, control the land, you can have the biggest and baddest tank like the Abrams, but hey, with SDB's (small diameter bombs, they are like JDAM's but have a smaller radius and are more accurate, plus, fighters can carry more, and they are more reliable.) no vehicle is safe. It's even got bunker busting capability, so a tank sure as hell won't survive.
Also, JDAM's are now bieng laser guided, so they can hit moving targets, and if that wasn't enough, the upgrade to the JDAM hardly cost a dime.
yeah stuff in the air-force is just so much "cooler" for lack of a better word... I mean what else lets you go to mach speeds?
Explain. Well lets analyze my extreme statement. From it I believe it would be safe to assume that my views on the world and conflict resolution are that of a pacifist yes? So maybe I find it ridiculous, just like you find my statment, that you talk of your favorite branch of the military. You see nothing wrong with this? How about a topic Your favorite war? rzepak
Regardless..."murder" will never be the right term.
Oh, and Marines.
I want to join, but I am still on the fence.
I know next to nothing about their requirements.
As for now, their requirements are slim. They need people, badly. I wouldn't reccomend it, however, unless 14 month deployments to Iraq sounds appealing to you. The Air Force does 6-8 month deployments, and we're treated a LOT better. Your call, though.
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