So I'm not a real fan then?Proobie44
Ha Ha. I didn't say that. I'm trying to approach this with some objectivity. In an age of globalisation, it's expected, even beneficial, that football clubs attract fans outside of their immediate locality. How else could they pay their wage bills? Football has benefited greatly from globalisation.
In the modern world we live in, the football fan (of any club remember, Man Utd is just an example) is above all else a consumer, a customer. They buy the shirts, they buy the tickets, the DVDs, the TV subscriptions, and all of the other merchandise. As such, your money is just as valid and valuable as the fan who actually lives in Manchester. Your Pound/Dollar/Euro is worth exactly the same as the fan from Manchester. Therefore, you are equal and a real fan as far as the clubs accountants are concerned.
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