[QUOTE="MlauTheDaft"]1.Welfare issues aside, (plenty of those), gun legislation still allowed him firearms. That's an issue of lacking control.2:
Yes, it only takes one person. This particular one person just needed to legally purchase his firearms. Shooting down an entire cinema of defenseless people is much less intimidating than having to deal with people, who might kill you if they don't like your looks.
If you've ever been so unfortunate as to intimately encounter this enviroment, you know damn well that most people would piss themselves.
You seem to think that his act makes him above all mundane concerns.. I Expect his self esteem is non existant and that he's barely able to look people in the eye, when talking to them. He certainly does'nt have a history of cynical violence.
People like him have almost everything in common with the rest of us. Monsters are mostly found in movies.
"Maybe the problem is not the guns themselves, but the people getting them? Again, focus more on people."
The people getting them? It's the laws that allow them to:? I can't really argue with you here, as long as you think that "anyone can go pick up an unregistered gun".
I suppose you guys need mandatory cavity searching in all houses, open to the public. You consider yourself not prone to panic, I consider it insane that everyone around me is armed, when going out.
1. I can't put welfare issues aside, that is my main concern right now. 2. If he doesn't have a history, how would you keep the weapon from him without banning? 3. Other than being human and male..What? My mental state is nowhere his. 4. It's not hard, I can get one in an ally about 45 miles west of me. How will you stop that? 5. What? I don't panic, I try not to overreact and surely don't worry if the dude next to me is armed. California has some ok laws, not like he could be hold a small handgun or anything. Pardon me if I don't want this moronic country to turn into a anti-guns panic and feel the need to put metal detectors at every door.1:
Why are you even concerning yourself with this topic, if you're not ready to deal with it, in it's entirety? I was'nt asking you to forget about welfare, just the fact that your laws are what armed him.
I'd do it with much stricter gun laws. Apart from the concept of original sin, it's impossible to tell what people of capable of. That's litterally why guns should be banned...
I realize that America is way beyond a realistic ban, but your love of weaponry is merely fuel on the fire.
You're reacting emotionally because you don't like to be compared with a murderer.... Still, you have no idea what's going on in your friends' heads; or even your own, if pushed enough.
The vast majority of criminals are perfectly normal people, apart from a couple of deviations. They don't carry a "villain persona" around with them.
I did'nt say it was hard. Feel free to actually go and do it, I doubt it'll be a cherished experience.
This particular guy orchestrated his shooting with media attention in mind. I'll bet you that he's severely depressed, anti-social and insecure. Statistically, people like him are shy creatures, whom both desire and fear social bonds.
Your average person would never dare to purchase an illegal weapon, despite morals; I highly doubt he'd be able to make himself seek out the relevant people. Dominant personalities are like poison to people with little self-esteem.
I suppose it's great that you're comfortable with your vicinity being saturated with firearms, I'm not.
Between madmen, clumsy people, idiots, nervous types, vigilantes andGeorge Zimmermans, I'd prefer not to supply everyone and their dog, with an easy and impersonal way of extinguishing life.
Worst thing about guns is that they're so damn easy to use. You even get to imagine your favorite action movie, instead of having to physically partake in the experience of a death.
I do agree that the issue goes way beyond legislation; it's an issue of culture now.
The islamic idea of woman being property does'nt fit in a modern world, neither does the idea that everyone should be armed and potentially lethal.
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