OK, for one thing, offshore drilling and destroying the environment do not go hand in hand. Would you rather we keep sending Millions to the middle east to power our cars? And for another thing, Obama has no intention of actually doing any drilling. He is just looking into the possibility, but he has given himself plenty of ways to get out of it later.iamdanthaman
If we drilled every source of oil in the U.S. we would have enough crude to last us two years at current consumption.
Our oil is not as high quality as the stuff in the middle east. It takes more work to refine it, meaning higher cost.
We won't start to see this oil for another 10-20 years.
Multi-national companies drill the oil, refine the oil, and sell the oil. They're not going to stop buying from the Middle East and, if there is any saving at all, there's no garuntee they'll pass the savings on to us.
Basically, this is maximum harm to the environment and minimal gain financially, if any at all. This isn't going to cut our dependence on foreign oil, it won't do much to curb it if anything, and within two years we'll be right back to where we started. Meanwhile, if we cut the restrictions on the hemp industry and switched all the cars on the road to hemp ethanol we could have a cheap, bio-friendly, and completely renewable resource for fuel that would completely eliminate our dependence on foreign oil forever once it was initialized, and we wouldn't have to ruin our natural environments to get the fuel like we'll do with oil drilling.
As for the political part, I'm both worried and angry as a (unofficial) Democrat. I'm angry because I feel like Obama is going back on all his promises to liberals, and for what? Is he garnering Republican support? Probably not, they've been unanimously against him on everything he does even if he does give in to some of their demands. Is he going to win over Republican voters? Again, I highly doubt it. And yet he's alienating the people who put him into office, I think just so he can fashion himself politically as a moderate. Where's that going to get him? Nowhere. I'm not saying he should go all the way to the let, but he has let the vast majority of Democratic voters down by backtracking on things he promised during the campaign, I think it's total crap.
That also has me worried because he could lose an election based on that. As much as I disagree with what he's doing, I would much rather have him than any Republican candidate they're fielding right now. What I'd really love is to see a third party win, someone like Ralph Nader, but I doubt that's going to happen. The Republicans showed us that you can't pander exclusively to your base, but you can't ignore them either. Obama, show the base some love and respect and start listening to what we have to say.
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