So let's get a few things straight. I work with a girl whom I like very much and she's one of the few girls out there I'm able to talk to about anything and we have a lot of things in common. She's also by far the nicest, sweetest girl I've met. Unfortunately, she's been going out with one of my friends for a few years and they seem to be exactly opposite people. It's surprising they are together but nonetheless it is the case. As for the guy, he isn't a friend I will go out of my way to hit up and hang out with. Just see him around from time to time. Never had any problems with him until now. Last night, one of my friends told me she thought she had met his girlfriend before until the other day. Turns out someone told her that the girl she met before is his "night time girlfriend" and that she met his real girlfriend the other day when she came over. This angers me a lot because she does not deserve this in the least bit and while me liking her seems to play a bit of a role in it, I still think it's very wrong and it shouldn't go any longer.
I am not 100% sure what my friend told me is true but I really doubt she'd make something like that up. I'm going to clarify things with her next time I see her and determine how true this might be. If it turns out it's probably true, what do you guys think I should do? If it gets out that I ratted on him, I'd be burning a lot of bridges with some of my friends. At the same time, there's a chance they never find out and this girl won't be cheated on continulously without her knowing. She doesn't know anything about it so I guess it's not hurting her but still. I'm really torn, what would you guys do? Just keep my trap shut and move on? Tell her and hope she doesn't say it came from me?
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