These people make Republicans and conservatives look like racist, xenophobic, d-bags even though their are hard-working, honest Republicans and conservative that aren't hatred-based.
I forgot this, but the Republicans are going to have to decide where they want to go as a party. Do they want to be the party of Rush Limbaughs, Michael Savages, Glenn Becks, and Sean Hannitys. Or do they want to get back the mainstream vote with reasonable policies and debate instead of hate.
Looks like it's going to be the former. Joe Wilson aside, Republicans were not being too open or respectful during Obama's speech. Based on the way they acted there, it seems like the only thing they're going to vote for would be a bill with a mandate for people to buy insurance, cross-state markets, and malpractice reform, which basically amounts to a bailout for the insurance industry anyways, one they don't need, in that it just forces citizens to buy into existing plans without doing one thing about price control or competition. Anything more or less seems to be a killswitch for Republicans, which makes me wonder why we're even talking about negotiating with them. If we had actually shoved this reform through quickly without any Republican support we could probably be touting its merits sooner rather than later and use the fact that they boycotted the vote against them in the elections, instead we're stuck here pandering to their demands because moderate Dems are afraid of the carpetbagging tea party movement.
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