At least Adult Swim is OK
What is wrong with you people? Are you sheep? AS is total crap now these days! It used to kick ass all over the place but now is is just sh*t shows like Super Jail, King of Hill, and that ultimate crap The Tim and Eric Awesome show. Tim and Eric? I want to shoot those asshats in the face. It is not even a cartoon.
I too mourn the death of Toonami. Remember when they used to have hard core anime on like Ghost in the Sheel and Outlaw Star? What utter asshats!
The only thing worth a damn now on AS is Robot Chicken. But 10 mintues of goodness can not counteract the river of putrid crap that CN is spewing these days. Non-cartoon shows that ar not even original! XOme Myth Busters rip off crap? WTF? Not only does it suck but it is all rip off garbage.
Death to CN. I will watch it no more. Even for Robot Chicken.
I will just download all the good stuff and skip the garbage.
I love cartoon network.
BBBBAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Be a sheep..... YOu will most likely be one of the sheep that watches and supports the new non-catoon shows. You will most likley like them.
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