Not that Laihendi actually has a coherent point with his stupid rants, but those nations are all market economies with only Norway not being considered one of the world's most free economies (at least according to the Heritage Foundation) and have some very advantageous endowments, like the Canada and Norway having lots of oil, Australia being rich in minerals, a massive trade partner for some of the world's largest economies and a favourite for tourism, and in Switzerland's case, the most intelligent population in the Western world.
Yeah I'm aware of most of that but he takes a massive issue against the "socialist policies" of the US so I want to see what sort of mental gymnastics he'd do to justify hating on those countries with even more "socialist policies".There isn't any point, you're most likely going to get an answer that is along the lines of how people in those countries are miserable and have no freedom or money or whatnot, you know how lolbertarians are. As for cross-country comparisons, one thing that should be noted is that fiscal multipliers (the concept that economically justifies government spending) are not the same for every nation, and "socialist policies" that are good for Europe may not necessarily be good for the U.S.
Americans are also actually richer on a real productivity and income basis than all of those countries except Norway, and in terms of real disposable income I think it pretty much beats every other country in the world with over a million people. What it does very badly in is its distribution of wealth and income, in which nearly every other nation with advanced economies totally thrash it. Don't take this to be an endorsement of the current degree of U.S. "socialization", however, since I don't think that America is filthy rich simply because it doesn't have a proper UHC system.
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