Pyro767 said:
First of all, yeah those stats are way low as you said.
So, then, you admit there's even more than that for the government to sift through.
Secondly, the government would want this kind of information to see if you are conspiring, check your credit score, see places you go, in a nutshell they can know anything and everything about you and can therefore do anything with you.Pyro767
And they're going to do this for every single American, or at least every single American who uses the Cash for Clunkers program?
You know, there's a reason why organizations like the FBI do actual investigation: it's a lot ****ing easier than attempting to go through every single correspondance of every single person there is in order to find out what they're looking for. You do realize that the people in the government are human beings with human technology, not aliens with access to Deep Thought from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, yes?
You know the people who say they don't like the government? Yeah they can send brainwashing units to their houses (because they are actually starting a program like that).Pyro767

Third, they attached it to cash for clunkers because it is super successful. It sold a few months worth of cars IN A WEEK. Why wouldn't they put it on something that a vast majority of Americans use?Pyro767
Because it basically, um, would require people to voluntarily subject themselves to this. Why not just implement it in a way that there isn't a ridiculously obvious "out"?
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