A lot of people type from mobile phones or speak English as a second language. To me, if it's comprehensible, it's alright. I'd rather have a gramatically incorrect text that makes sense than one with perfect punctuation and wording that says nothing of relevance.
I still don't see any reason to type poorly on a phone. I do that all the time as well, and still, same thing. Just focus. I can get the second language deal, but really, how often does that actually happen these days? I am around the internet a lot, and countries outside English speaking regions usually have better English speakers than us. And even so, when someone is called out for grammar, it's rarely for one or two poorly worded sentences. It's because their post is synonymous to babble.
I'm just fascinated by your entitledment here, there's never a reason to type poorly? Never? I would just love to get your thoughts on geography.
Did I say that? If you are text messaging your friend, or something meaningless, sure. But if you are trying to rhetorically validate a point, it only follows to reason that you should try your best to seem literate. Furthermore, good grammar/spelling is habitual. You don't turn it on or off. If you work on it, you just continually do it. It doesn't matter the mode or medium.
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