Why on Earth would you deride guys for not being interested in courting women, or for being gay or even for not obsessing over having girlfriends when guys removing themselves from the sexual marketplace is to your benefit? Yeah, make fun of guys for not getting sex and deny him masculine identity when giving him a reason to get back into the hunt (to prove his manhood) acts counter to your interests. That's not being manly, thats being a complete idiot.
Guys who feel their identity is beyond female approval is a good thing as far as you should be concerned. If a few nerds, gays, celibates, or guys who just aren't plain interested in placating the female ego completely resolved themselves to the idea that they either aren't getting laid or not getting married, then don't go and punch a gift horse in the mouth you fools!! :x
Provided, it may not harm you to make fun of a guy over the internet, but for the idea of making fun of someone for not getting laid or not desiring to get laid/married to be so ingrained in men is pretty telling considering just how contrasting it is those guys' benefit. Give me one good reason otherwise beyond you not giving a ****.
Yes, I believe I am cool for that. You don't have to get laid often to avoid getting made fun of by your peers. You just have to get laid. I've never heard guys making fun of someone because they have someone they care about and it is their only intimate partner. I only hear people making fun of guys that are well beyond normal consummation age and have yet to even get to third base.
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