All of these guys asking for help on girl problems, there isn't anything socially wrong with them, they probably just need to get over the initial fear. You will NOT be laughed at, hell, most girls are nice enough to at least turn you down in a nice way. And if she doesn't, well, it wasn't the girl for you anyways.
I find that most teens my age are afraid to tell anyone if they like a girl. When my friends like someone, I can usually tell, but they keep on denying it, like it would be a horrible truth or something. They probably fear getting judged after asking the girl out, and her possibilty of saying no.
The best way is to talk to a a girl, if you talk to a friend that is female, she will probably be glad to help you.
You don't even have to be that good friends with the girl you like, just talking to her in class/lunch/whenever and getting yourself recognized by her can make a bit of a difference.
Anyone else agree?
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