This is my opinion for you to discuss. Before i continue, let's get the record straight:
Firstly, I'm not homophobic and I don't hate gay people. I seriously have no prejudices.
Secondly, I'm not religious, although I am monodeistic.
If you guys want to accuse me of these things then fine. It's not like you are going to convince me. It'll be more of a reflection on your inadequacy to debate your opinions.
 Now. Opinion.
1. Why are you against gay marriage?
The most common arguement that gay-marriage apologists use is that Gay marriage doesn't hurt / effect you". This is true to an extent. Firstly though, let's look at what marriage is. Marriage was established by religions all over the world in order to regulate the obligations and responsibilities of pro-creation. No, it isn't about love. Love is very much so a secondary part of marriage. Fortunately, we live in a society where we can choose our spouse based on love, but ultimately, if you brought forth Gay marriage there is absolutely no reason for it to exist.
By this logic, sterile people shouldn't be allowed to marry either.
Many people argue: This isn't about religion, we are talking about secular marriage. Well, wrong. We all live in a culturally religious society, whether that be christianity in the USA, or Islam in the Middle East or Hinduism in India. However, take a holiday like Christmas. Yes, you celebrate that, don't you atheists. Now i'm sure you realised - Christmas was popularised by the Christians, in order to celebrate the birth of christ. Whether he was actually born on December 25th doesn't matter, what matters is that jesus was born, and christians celebrate it.
Actually, it was originally popularized by the Pagans as Winter Solstice. But let's ignore that and skip to a more important argument.
Now. Say the supreme court said that Christmas is now actually Chuck Norris joke day. The Christians would be offended, and rightly so. It would be a complete slap in the face to their religion.
Christmas, by government standards, is a secular holiday. The government could change it to whatever they wanted, but Christians would still be able to celebrate Christmas.
This is the same with Marriage -- only it's not offensive to just christians: it's offensive to jews, muslims, hindu, buddhist etc etc etc. To prioritise Gay marriage because they 'love each other very much', is a complete slap in the face to a religious ceremony
Prohibiting gay marriage is more like the government prohibiting non-Christians from celebrating Christmas. Yes, it has it's religious roots, but in order for it to have any meaning to the government it should be applied fairly to everyone.
And seeing as how people can be married by lawyers, I don't see marriage as a purely religious ceremony.
2. If we had your views, inter-racial marriages wouldn't exist!
Sigh. No legitimate and respected religious movement advocates racism. There is nothing anti-religious about inter-racial marriages. Considering there are plenty of people who worship a religion not assosiated with their skin colour (e.g. black christians, white muslims, etc.)
3. You've talked about religion a lot... Religion is filled with evil and bigotry!
The USA is 90% religious. If you honestly think that all religious people are backward !@#$%'s, then i suggest you stop singing 'God Bless America' so much.
I don't sing "God Bless America." :|
Sure, some people are backwards, but the majority of religious people are free thinking, reasonable people.
4. How do you expect people to share happy lives?
Marriage isn't the only way to a successful relationship. Civil unionships if you must. And moreover, WHY DO YOU NEED TO GET MARRIED TO BE HAPPY? I have an uncle who has a long time partner, and he still calls her his 'wife'. You don't need to be married to show that you are in love, and you don't need to be married in order to have a happy life and successful relationship.
I don't see happiness as any part of my reason to support gay marriage. I see people discriminated based on their sexuality. Marriage has certain rights that cannot be obtained from anything else. Even in states that provide civil unions that are equal to marriage, the Fed. Govt does not recognize them, meaning it's impossible for gays to even have the same rights as marriage. There are very few states that even offer civil unions that are equal to marriage.
I also thought that we had gotten rid of the "Seperate but Equal" idea long ago.
5. Yes, the 'sanctity' of marriage is reeeaaaally great when there is a 50% divorce rate.
Who ever said divorce is a good thing? I find that statistic both frightening and sad. Religion in all cultures has opposed divorce. However, it does not completely deny it. In an ideal world, nobody would want divorce rates that high... but what can you do?
That's really just a counter argument to the fact that people use the "sanctity" of marriage as a reason to not let gays marry.
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