It seems like 95% of TV is complete **** now, and most of that **** is just little snippets of **** with commercials in-between.
Heck, I don't even find myself watching TV anymore.
Anyone else feel this way, or am I a hamster in a pigpen?
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It seems like 95% of TV is complete **** now, and most of that **** is just little snippets of **** with commercials in-between.
Heck, I don't even find myself watching TV anymore.
Anyone else feel this way, or am I a hamster in a pigpen?
I hate all these so called "reality show". Back in the day was great. But there are alot of of good shows on. I watched The Walking Dead and I absolutely loved it.
TV is the best it has ever been. All you people are watching the wrong channels.
A regular episode of a show like Mad Men and Breaking Bad on AMC is better than most movies that come out on theatres.
Either u grew up or ur not watching the right shows.
Someone missed the episode of south park where they discussed this
It hasn't gotten worse, but Reality TV shows have certainly been giving television a bad reputation...
Either u grew up or ur not watching the right shows.
Someone missed the episode of south park where they discussed this
south park is an example of a show that has declined in quality over the years.
Either u grew up or ur not watching the right shows.
Someone missed the episode of south park where they discussed this
south park is an example of a show that has declined in quality over the years.
At least its decline was not Family Guy level,
I feel crash is a better term than decline now that I think about it.
At least its decline was not Family Guy level,
I feel crash is a better term than decline now that I think about it.
Family Guy was never good anyway, I have found most tv shows are crap too and usually opt for watching reruns of old shows such as South Park and Simpsons over any new series. Occasionally I like a new show such as Sons of Anarchyand Spartacus but these are few and far between.
The state of TV is fine. But I think there are real structural problems with the medium that leads to more crap than others do.
A TV show needs good ratings to survive. You can have a great TV show with a great cast of actors, terrific writers, and fantastic directing, but if people aren't watching the show then it's not going to last for more than a few episodes. This is different from things like movies and even more so for novels. Even if you can't find a big time production company or publisher, you can still make a film independently, and in the case of novels, your book is already written anyway - the point is you have options when it comes to distributing your piece of work. The same isn't true for TV, you haveto go through the network executives if you want to create a TV show.
Another problem, especially with TV dramas, is that the writers of most shows don't really know when their show is going to end, and that makes it incredibly difficult to create a dramatic structure for the show.
I never really liked TV. The only show I really like is Futurama, and I don't even watch it on TV (Thank you internet :P).
TV in the past 11 years has been by far the best years of television ever. My suggestion to you, turn off TBS/CBS/ABC and get HBO/FX/AMC.SaintLeonidas
Exactly how I feel.
TV used to be considered a second-rate form of entertainment when compared to movies but it really isn't anymore thanks in large part to HBO.
I don't watch tv anymore, i can't stand watching commercial's! The only thing i watch is the simpson's:oops:
Nope there is still good amount of shows as before.
I'd say there's more good shows now thanks to cable, like mems said I can't even keep up with it all. That also means there's more garbage now too.
That is the problem, people see all the garbage that does clog the airways and come to this assumption that television is crap nowadays even though that beneath all the garbage has been some of the best television ever and just because the quantity of crap has increased doesn't take away from the fact that the small amount of 'good television' around is better than it has ever been. Not to mention as Robbie said, when where these 'great years' of television that we have so steeply declined from? Just like how people claim that music today or films today are worst than they were years ago people fail to realize that no matter the time period there was always a whole lot of garbage with a fair share of good to be found. The whole arguement is just ridiculous, especially considering that by the comments made by some it seems that they haven't even experience enough of what television has to offer to be able to actually comment on the content.I think because of the fact that there are more stations and more television programs today you are more likely to come across a bad bunch. But I think the percentage of bad shows to good shows is still the same as it's always been. At least today you have more of a choice and if you don't like something turn it to another of the 300 stations and find something you do like. There are definitely still a number of really great shows out there, it just seems to get overshadowed by the bad shows that are still there.
Nope, I like to think that TV has gotten better in the last few years. USA and HBo have some of the best series on air, so I mostly watch those, and AMC and Showtime have some prety good shows too.
I am disturbed by the rash of reality TV that has popped up. However, there are still some very good series on tv.
With movie channels and on demand services I'd say tv is much better then it used to be.
In regards to programming I think only cartoons have had a really serious decline. Most other programming I watch is improving.
Either u grew up or ur not watching the right shows.
Someone missed the episode of south park where they discussed this
south park is an example of a show that has declined in quality over the years.
Nope, the past decade has been amazing for television (Six Feet Under, Mad Men, Breaking Bad etc.)
I think people aren't watching the right shows :P
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