ok before I tell my story let it be known that Iam not some 17 yr old kid with a highschool girl problems, Iam 24 yrs ol and very mature, I work for a living i went to college and I do everything for myself now here is my story:
for everything to make since I have to go backwards for a min. when I was about 18 yrs old I met a girl online and we talked for a yr and never saw eachother, she was leaving to go to college very soon and wanted to atleast meet one time before she left, so we made plans and we met, it was love at first sight so we decided that we would stay together while she was at school, i would come down there and she would come down here whenever we could. Everything was working great we would see eachother like every 2 weeks i stay ther weekend with her and she stays with me, like within 6 months of her going to college I had met someone in my city and we talked alot , i started to go see her we had alot in common so it was great we even played video games together, so long skips a few month, i started to fall in love with her and i was slowly but surely loosing feelings for the one that is college. now this has been going on for yrs. I have been with the one that was in college for about 5 yrs and the other one for about 4 yrs. they both love me to death and would do anything for me so its hard. I know i shoudnt be doin this because they both love me and I care for both of them i dont want to hurt either one, so lets get back to present, the one from college was over my house this weekend and i thought everything would be fine because my other girl was down north caroline for the weekend but i keep my phone ringer off anyway just incase she would have called. so sunday came and she was about to drive back to college so we go outside and i help her with her bags, my other girl dirves up on me and says : so this is how it is and she starts to snap on me, we basically make a huge scene outside they r both arguing with eachother, finally my girl " the one that drives up on me "leaves and the other one that was goign back to college stays and cries for hrs. she finally leaves. Im so freakin confused i dont know what to do, my heart tells me to go with the one that drove up on me because i feel like i love her more but my better judgement tells me to go with the one that goes to college because i feel like she will love me move and we will have a better future. im so confused man, i want to propse to the one thats in my city on her birthday which is this thursday even tho i might get shot down, i feel like fi i dont make a move right away i will lose her for good. somebody tell me something.
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