@sSubZerOo: Okay...
If you think that's why the alt right is such a thing now, then fine, but I suspect you're drastically oversimplifying things. People screaming racism over youtube videos is a NON-ISSUE
You think this shit is only on youtube? It is every where.. We just had a candidate who lost, calling half the country deplorable racists.. Leading to one of the worse canddiates ever winning.. Yeah real big fucking NON issue there.
, and I like to give the alt right enough credit to think that they aren't basing their entire position as a reaction to something as trivial as people getting offended about stuff.
Or it could be the fact that these guys who were once fringe suddenly have a huge base of defranchised people who have been called racist and bigoted when they bring up concerns about certain issues.. Did Trump fucking teach you anything?
Case in point, voting for Donald trump isn't actually going to DO anything about these PC whiners,
Yet he won power in places that consistently voted blue..
considering the whole first amendment thing we have. It's not as if electing donald trump is somehow going to STOP people from making these kinds of complaints,
No you are basically just lining him up for a second term.. So please start crying louder from your safe space how racist every thing is.. No but this is pretty much showing that a lot of people have had it with this kind of bullshit and will pick a horrible candidate because they some how feel its better than the alternative.
so the fact that people are making these kinds of complaints is a really stupid and shitty reason to vote for Trump.
And here we go again, yes lets shit on the voter base even further.. Its like we haven't learned after the absolute disaster from the last election..
The people who did vote for Trump, I'm pretty sure that most of them did so because of more substantial reasons. The Alt Right sucks, but give them a little bit of credit.
Yet suddenly a fringe Alt right group has become mainstream and talked about.. Gee where the **** could that have come from? It couldn't have ANYTHING to do with the insanity of the regressive left now could it?
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