- Greenhouse gas level goes up
- Earth heats up
- Ice (glaciers, polar ice caps) melt
- Cold melt water floods into the oceans screwing with the currents
- Certain currents responsible for bringing hot, moist, tropical air to certain locations don't operate properly
- Those places instead get colder
Just because it's cold doesn't mean the Earth isn't heating up. These same patterns occurred before the last ice age. The proof would come from the varying levels of the Oxygen 18 isotope found in the shells of benthic foraminifera (higher during periods of high glaciation attributed to high amounts of evaporation), tree ring widths (thinner during cold years), and the ratio of cadmium to calcium found in the shells of benthic foraminifera (related to ocean circulation), among other things.
So yah, water evaporates when it is hot. 99% of the oxygen in water is your typical Oxygen 16 (8 protons, 8 neutrons), but in that remaining 1% you find Oxygen 18 which has 10 neutrons. When water evaporates the lighter stuff will go first, and so there is a higher level of Oxygen 18 left in lakes, and oceans. The fossil record before the last ice age shows higher levels of Oxygen 18 found in the shells of benthic foraminifera (little plankton thingies), which tells us that the Earth was heating up at this point in time.
Tree ring widths are related to their growth rate. The higher the temperature, and humidity, the wider the rings are. During a period of time leading up to the last ice age the fossil record shows tree ring widths getting wider which shows that greenhouse gas levels were going up which of course created a humid climate perfect for growing trees in.
And lastly
Cadmium levels in ocean water! Cadmium is found in fossil records of our friend benthic foraminifera. During periods of high ocean circulation the organic material floating around the ocean doesn't get a chance to sink to the bottom, but in periods of low ocean circulation it does! And when it does you bet your bottom dollar that those benthic foraminifera are going to use this stuff when building their shells!
Now the thing about the low ocean circulation is that it's related to the amount of glacial melt water flooding into the ocean, so this shows that before the last ice age the earth was getting hot, and melting all those glaciers! And of course as I mentioned in my simple 6 steps above, when the earth heats up, and the glaciers melt, they flood into the oceans slowing down the currents which can do a whole lot to throw off the transport of hot, tropical air to certain areas which will indeed make it colder in those areas rather than hot!
And before anyone questions it YES this did all come from my brain, and my studies of Geology through reading books, and other such things that have words. NOT from the media, Al Gore, or those conspiracy shows on the history channel.
tl;dr I love the game Rayman 2
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