I don't think being fundamentalist is necessarily bad. I am just wondering how a religious person doesn't take everything in scripture literally, word for word, and still call himself a believer of that organized religion. It does not seem reasonable to me that a person part of an organized religion, does not follow every facet of the that religion's guidelines to the tee, yet still call himself a part of the religion.so what i can understand from the TC is that being fundamentalist is a bad thing ?? i fail to understand how? if a muslim is a fundamentalist muslim then he is a good musllim .if any hindu/christian is a fundamentalist hindu/christian then he is a good hindu/christian . just like a doctor has to be fundamentalist in his field to be a good doctor. a mathematician has to be a fundamentalist to be a good mathematician . if a mathematician doesnt know 2+2 is 4 then he has his basics(fundamentals) wrong and he is not a good mathematician
i am a muslim and i consider myself afundamentalist muslim .i try to follow what my religion tells me .as i am a muslim i can only talk for Islam .Islam is not a Mahzab i.e religion Islam is Deen i.e way of life .Islam guides you through every suitation of life .Islam doesnt want to you to follow some of its commandments that favour you and not follow the commandants that seem unprofitable to you ,like if Islam says drink milk and eat dates you follow the teachings and when Islam says help poor peoplefinancially you refuse to obey.so either youtry tofollow every teaching of Islam or you dont follow any meaning that either you are a fundamentalist muslim or you are not a muslim .and i am sure every religion is like this
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