[QUOTE="gameguy6700"][QUOTE="Evil_Saluki"]they use a lot more female protagnoists in a game that seems more of an excuse to put an almost naked girl in>Evil_Saluki
American and British media do this too. In fact, I'd say they do it more than the Japanese and that's REALLY saying something.There is something different to it however. Ignoring the porn industry for a moment, when we go sexy we tend to do either dress up some pretty woman in tight shorts or stick in the odd wet t-shirt scene. We music videos we will show women dancing in nothing but a crop top, panties and knee high boots, quite often suggestively touching some other girl while the camera flips between shots then zooming in for a close up of the naval area, or we get guys with 6 packs walking topless on the beach. As for video games, a female protagnoist might be made to look appealing, but they keep her decent.
Now for the foreign side of things, they are much more blunt with it. They won't be so subtle, it's more like an artist painting a nude portrait, or perhaps a fetish that's gone wild. I need to clarify this more I think.
We tend to be getting a little more risqué these days, but we are still not unto the same level as them. Some of the stuff they are are very disturbing actually, and I'm not sure if that's my British bloodline kicking in or if some obsessions they have embraced are a little unhealthy.
the thing is as you pointed out that makes no sense when you think about it because women in america are basically on tv dressed as close to nude as you can get yet if they actually went nude MAN THE GRENADES FOLKS SHES NUDE mentality would kick in while at the same time im betting all but small portion of folks would actually be disgusted by it and very rarely is the sex scene or hooker dressed like woman actually there for story purposes its normally there simply for the sake of sex appeal ratings. given also the fact the porn industry is skyrocketing daily and i think its all one big mess. never mind this all creates a very sexed up nation which kind of destroys morality which is never a good thing. ultimately it all leads to women being treated like objects instead of actual people. the thing is though if american tv goes anything further it ventures into full blown porn as it is its almost softcore porn clothed sex or half naked sex. i mean unless we want porn on the tv at 7 pm on nbc im not sure we need to go any further if anything it needs to be scaled back a bit, if a chick must be naked for the story great but if she doesnt put some clothes on and stop acting like a hooker cause really that and the music videos are ultimately nothing but the news young hot person selling their sexy body for money its almost legal prostitution really of course porn is legal so im not sure why it should matter unless you care about morality which i should hope we can agree on a few basics one being prostitution is bad. i mean lets face it theres no such thing as a well written story driven porno
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