[QUOTE="astiop"]Anyone who has a grudge on a whole ethnic group/race because their great great great great grandfather and his friends, even though they don't even know their name, were mistreated is proper dense. It also seems as if everyone is eager to find traces of racism, if you would even call it that, and point it out. Racism wouldn't even be that big of a deal if people didn't have their heads shoved up there. Also, white people have waged endless wars against each other as well. It's not as if they all ganged up and decided to conquer and enslave anything that isn't white...theone86
It's not a grudge, it's the fact that after 600 years since Africans were first forcibly removed from their native land their ancestors still have not achieved a level of social integration comprable to their numbers, and that African-Americans are still on the wrong end of many social injustices. Racism might not be such a big deal to you, but to somoene living in the projects who has just as much chance of being shot as they do graduating high school, who's only there because their parents couldn't afford to get out, who in turn were there because their parents were transplanted from a black ghetto, who were in that ghetto because they had to work for sharecropper who took advantage of their labor, who were forced to sharecrop because either they or their parents were slaves and after emancipation they were left as black citizens in the south with no other options, and those parents or perhaps an ancestor of theirs were forcibly removed from their native land due to despicable imperialism and slavery practices. It's all connected whether we like to acknowledge it or not.
Lastlsy, white people have never displaced, enslaved, and systematically subjugated other white people in the same way they've done to blacks. The slavery practices in Africa were simply unprecedented. And yes, white people in fact did gang up and decide to conquer or enslave anything that wasn't white. They regarded natives of other regions as savages and felt it was their duty to conquer them and integrate them into Christian culture.
I wasnt talking about black people alone, but whatever. My nation was enslaved for 400 years, but the only traces of racism left are some morons who complain just because they have nothing better to do, and thats how it should be. You can connect whats happening now to back then, but pointing fingers isn't gonna do ****. It's not a white persons fault if a black kid gets shot by another black kid in his ghetto neighborhood, even if it's somehow connected to what our ancestors did back THEN, the same way I'm not gonna fault a turk if a greek shoots another greek because his family was forced off istambul and is now poor.
To me that just seems like an excuse to dump the blame on someone else. Mabye im completely missing the point. Mabye i'd see things differently if i was born in some ghetto, but from here thats all i see.
On the last paragraph, they might not have done the exact same things to other white people, but they have done things to other white people that they haven't done to blacks either...
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