Some of the major reasons why evolution cannot be true are now presented.
1. Going from a Big Bang to a structured universe, from non-life to life, from simpler life to higher-order life all involve a tremendous increase in complexity. However, it is well-proven that when things are left to themselves, they always become LESS complex (they decay), the opposite of what evolution requires. This is known formally as the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This tendency can only be overcome through the application of DIRECTED energy (such as using your muscles to put together the parts of a bicycle). Evolutionists argue that the sun provided more than enough energy to overcome the Second Law on the primitive earth, which is true, but this was not directed energy. To carry the above bicycle analogy forward, it is like saying that applying a blow torch at random to those bike parts should be enough to put the bike together!
The information content of a person (to describe the structure and operation of a person) is many, many times that of a bacterium (which is also far from simple), yet the field of Information Theory has shown that information, such as the coded programs in the biological cell, NEVER arises as a result of random, chance processes like those at the core of evolution.
2. The mechanism of neo-Darwinian evolution, natural selection acting on mutations, is totally inadequate. Almost all known mutations are harmful. The best (only?) "beneficial" mutation cited is sickle cell anemia (it can provide immunity to malaria). Also, natural selection does just what is says. It only "selects" from what is already present - it cannot create anything new!
3. The gap from non-life to life is very big. It requires both DNA and RNA to be present, working cooperatively, at the same time. Each of these structures are very complex. To get around this problem evolutionists say the first life may have been RNA-only, but this is pure speculation (and is still a significant problem). To date man has created only the simplest low-level building block of life in the laboratory (most of the amino acids). And if he does create life one day, it will involve the use of complex equipment and well thought out procedures, documenting the necessity for intelligence to make it happen. No "warm little pond" will do!
4. If evolution is this grand process that has transformed the simplest life into people, it should surely be demonstrable in the laboratory. In fact, extended experiments with fruit flies have produced many types of deformed fruit flies, but they remain fruit flies. Evolutionists will point to the large amount of time needed for evolution to work, but on the order of 10,000 generations of fruit flies have been bred and exposed to many times a naturally-occurring amount of mutation-inducing radiation, with no indication that any type of increase in complexity (upward evolution) is happening! These experiments show (like plant and animal breeding) that organisms have a certain capacity for change which cannot be exceeded.
5. If evolution cannot be documented in the laboratory, the only other place to find it would be in the record of the earth's history. However, the fossil record clearly shows that macro-evolution has not taken place. The oldest fossils of a particular plant or animal are always fully-formed (not some simpler version), and look identical in all significant aspects to the same plant or animal living today (although many fossil types are extinct).
The near-oldest rocks, so-called "Cambrian" rocks, contain many complex creatures, like Trilobites (now extinct). They are fully-formed, and there is not the slightest trace of a more primitive ancestor to be found in the older, "Pre-Cambrian" rocks. This period in evolutionary earth history is called the "Cambrian Explosion" because of the vast number of new life forms that appear abruptly.
What is true between the Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian ages is also true between every other age - no transitional forms are found! The most frequently cited "intermediate form", the reptile/bird "Archaeopteryx" is really a bird that has some reptilian features (like teeth). It has a "mosaic" of traits (some bird, some reptile), but each trait is fully-formed (including the feathers). There are animals alive today that are mosaics (e.g. the duckbill platypus). A true reptile/bird intermediate would show reptilian scales "half-way" transformed into feathers.
Because the fossil record show abrupt appearance and "stasis" (no change), the evolutionary theory of "punctuated equilibrium" was developed by Gould and Eldredge for speciation, which basically says we don't see evolution in the fossil record because it happens fast in small isolated groups. It is an argument from lack of evidence.
6. For those who place trust in the Bible, it should be noted that the Bible always speaks of special creation by God as a fact. If evolution were God's mechanism there would be no reason for Him to hide it in His revelation. Even Jesus Himself refers to the creation (and the global flood of Noah's time) as facts. The listed scripture references (NIV) include:
Col 1:16 "For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers of rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."
Heb 1:2 "... He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe."
Heb 1:10 "In the beginning, O Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands."
Jesus said: Mk 10:6 "But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.'"
Also: Mt 24:37-39 "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."
7. Finally, when scientific data is examined, a creationist interpretation can be usually be provided which is just as reasonable, if not superior to, an evolutionary interpretation.
Creationists say that degeneration in the universe, as formalized in the Second Law of Thermodynamics, thwarts any proposed "molecules to man" upward development. This point was made on an earlier slide, but it is important enough to repeat more explicitly. Evolution/naturalism postulates that one of the most basic tenets of science has been repeatedly and continuously violated on a grand scale!
To reiterate, evolutionists try to get around this problem by claiming that the entropy DECREASE on the earth (increase in order and complexity as evolution is taking place, driven by the energy of the sun) has been more than overcome by the greater INCREASE in entropy on the sun (which is expelling considerable energy). Therefore, the sun-earth system as a single unit has obeyed the second law. However, this scenario is thermodynamically impossible!
When an entropy decrease is proposed (like evolution taking place), there must be postulated either a mechanism, machine or external influence, NOT JUST AN ENERGY FLOW, that causes the unnatural event to occur. The second law has been constructed in such a manner that entropy always increases when a natural spontaneous process occurs. Evolution has no directing external influence to overcome the effects of the second law. An energy flow like that provided by the sun is necessary, BUT NOT SUFFICIENT, for the second law to be overcome.
What do evolutionists say to prove their case? Steven Gould at Harvard University cites three things:
1. Micro-evolution and natural selection are proven, with the implication being that macro-evolution is just "more of the same". As stated earlier, creationists also agree that natural selection can lead to variation (the formation of non-interbreeding groups, different "species"), but the extrapolation is unwarranted and unjustified. Physical limits are soon reached beyond which no more change can be made (as illustrated by dog breeding, for example).
2. Examples of so-called transitional forms from the fossil record are cited. However, the "good" examples of transitional forms are few, and none are indisputable. If evolution were true, there should be so many intermediates that we could not even categorize them. In fact, it should not be possible to tell where one type of animal "ends" and another "begins". Look at the evolutionary "tree of life" and you will find only the leaves, with speculative branches showing few if any common intermediates (remember: dashed lines don't count!).
3. So-called "imperfections" in nature are cited. For example, why would God give the Panda bear a thumb that appears to be fairly useless? Or why do men have nipples? One answer is that just because we don't understand why something is the way it is, doesn't mean it doesn't have a good purpose or aesthetic value. This is a weak argument at best.
Can we rely on radiometric dating principles to prove that the earth is really very old, thereby providing the necessary time evolution requires if it is true?
The basic premise behind radiometric dating is that a parent isotope in a rock or other object containing the isotope (such as Potassium, K) decays over time into a daughter isotope (such as Argon, Ar) at a known rate (as measured in the laboratory), specified by its "half-life".
Some methods use isotopes that have a long half-life, and are therefore capable in theory of measuring long amounts of time, while others such as Carbon-14, have a relatively short half-life and can only measure recent history.
The validity of radiometric dating depends upon the three listed assumptions being correct. The decay rate being a constant is probably true but the other two are questionable (what was the parent/daughter ratio when the object being tested was "created"; and the assumption that there has been no loss or addition of the parent or daughter component throughout its history). Scientists, of course, try to correct for these flaws through techniques such as carefully choosing the samples, dating multiple samples, etc. However, there are many cited cases of inconsistent dating results where the obtained date was very different from the expected date based on the position of the rock in the geologic column (see Woodmorappe, "Studies in Flood Geology", where over 300 major inconsistencies are documented), and results where lava flow rocks of a known recent age were dated to millions of years old (such as at Grand Canyon, as documented by ICR scientists). There is also the issue of "selective publication", where the reported dates will always tend to be those that fall into the "already known to be approximately correct" range, while other samples giving the "wrong date" "must be bad".
Creationists have also advanced theories which may explain why rock samples appear to have old ages, and question the validity of the "isochron" dating procedure, which uses multiple samples. The bottom line is that radiometric dating procedures don't provide the consistent absolute dating method we would like to have.
In Appendix 6 of the book "The Biblical Basis for Modern Science", by Henry Morris, he gives a table listing 68 global processes that indicate a "young" age for the earth (some of these are given on this slide). None of these estimates are overly valid, for the same reasons that radiometric dating is not overly valid. That is, the assumptions of a uniform rate through all time, zero initial daughter component, and a completely closed system through all time are unlikely to be valid. However, the important point is that the vast majority of physical processes that affect the entire earth tend to point to an earth that is much less than the 4.6 billion years old typically given as its age.
For example, the process of salt build up in the ocean has been studied extensively by creationists and is fairly well understood (ICR Impact No. 8, "Evolution: Oceans Say No!", Nevins). When the most favorable parameters (for evolutionists) are used (no initial salt content in the ocean and minimum amount of salt entry per year), a value of only 76 million years is obtained as the MAXIMUM possible age of the earth. Of course, more reasonable parameters can date the earth by this process into the approximate 10,000 year age of the earth that strict creationism teaches.
Is there evidence that there was once a flood which covered the entire earth? If this were the case you would think the result would be obvious, and creationists say it is!
Global flood evidences include:
- The earth's features (such as mountains, canyons, regional stratigraphy (large-scale single rock beds), soft bending of rock strata, etc.) require some type of catastrophic explanation.
- Sedimentary rock formations (formed through water deposition) cover substantial portions of North America and other continents.
- There is no evidence that coal, oil, or ore deposits are being formed today, yet massive deposits are found in the earth.
- Likewise, the earth contains many great fossil beds, none of which appear to be forming today either. Fossils require rapid burial to be preserved.
- Exceptions in the geologic column indicate that it was not formed in a gradual manner, such as the appearance of single trees that extend vertically through multiple "ages".
- Detailed study of Carbon-14 dating results provide a date for the flood of around 5,000 years ago, which agrees fairly well with the Biblical chronology (see Whitelaw, "Time, Life, and History in the Light of 15,000 Radiocarbon Dates", in "Speak to the Earth").
There are other, non-geological, evidences that point to a start (or rebirth) of the earth approximately five to ten thousand years ago, as would be the case if a global flood has occurred.
The origin of civilization is generally agreed to be in the Middle East, which is where Noah's Ark landed. The Middle East just "happens" to be a good, centrally located place from which to repopulate the world.
The oldest written materials date back five to six thousand years.
The first signs of civilization, things like pottery, agriculture, the domestication of animals, metallurgy, and the first cities are dated by secular scientists to approximately 10,000 years ago at the earliest.
The oldest known living things, the Bristlecone pine trees in California, date to about 5,000 years ago.
Study of the build up of human population makes it clear that humans have only existed for a few thousand years (not millions), even when the maximum likely effects of war, disease, disaster, and other population-reducing factors are considered.
An analysis (by Whitelaw) of 30,000 radiocarbon dating results published in the "Radiocarbon" journal shows an unmistakable spike in the death of living things about 5,000 years ago.
The "geologic column" illustrated in textbooks shows the supposed progression of animals from "simpler" forms in the oldest ages to increasingly more advanced forms in later ages, and is used to "prove" that evolution has actually taken place. One gets the impression that a core sample from any land surface on earth will contain the illustrated progression of fossils. However, such is not the case. "Only 15-20% of the earth's land surface has even three (of the ten) geologic periods appearing in 'correct' consecutive order" (Woodmorappe).
The column is seen to be a self-fulfilling reality based on circular reasoning, once it is realized that the definitive way in which rocks are dated is by the "index" fossils they contain. Yet the dating of the fossils is based on their presumed "stage of evolution" as determined by the age in which they are found. Fossils date rocks, rocks date fossils!
Creationists believe the column, to the degree it superficially illustrates a general tendency, is the result of the global flood. It represents a rapid, not "millions of years", deposition of all the plant and animal material existing on the earth at that time. Hydrodynamic sorting action, the tendency for destruction of similar habitats to occur in the same order around the world (near the ocean habitats overcome before inland habitats), and animal mobility considerations are sufficient to produce the general tendencies seen in the column. The recent volcanic explosion at Mt. St. Helens produced similar stratigraphic features to those found at "grand canyon" (but on a smaller scale) in a matter of only days and hours!
Suppose you were an engineer and were told that your job was to design a robot having the listed specifications. To build such a robot is today beyond our technological capabilities, and if we ever build such a robot, you can sure that a lot of planning and designing will have gone into the effort. People recognize the tremendous intelligence and skill that would be needed to perform such a task.
Yet, the task outlined on the previous slide HAS been performed. It is a "robot" we call an "ant". And even though an ant is marvelously designed and has many capabilities, it is trivial and unimportant compared with man. If the intelligence and planning needed "just" to build an ant/robot is so great, how much greater intelligence and planning must have been required to create the universe, the earth, and all living things! Evolution and naturalism, having no designer to supply intelligence, following no plan, is absolutely, totally incapable of having produced the world we know.
In summary, what are the top evidences in support of creation?
First, the Biblical revelation provides the only claimed "eyewitness account" of the creation of the universe.
Second, the well-known principle of "cause and effect" requires that there must have been some infinite "first cause" (which we label "God"), as an effect is always less than its cause.
Third, complexity never arises through the results of random, chance processes. This is a common sense observation consistent with known scientific laws. Living things are complex machines.
Fourth, nature exhibits a tremendous amount of design. The universe, the earth, and living things are not only highly complex, but have function and purpose. The ecosystem of the earth is finely tuned with every part of it related to the rest in a delicate balance.
All thanks to
Fifth, the Bible documents a global flood as the cause for the fossils we find in the earth. Since God created each kind directly we would expect the fossil record to show the "abrupt appearance" of fully-formed plants and animals, which is what we find.
Finally, all theories of origins ultimately come down to either a supernatural or natural (no) cause. Evolution postulates that complex living systems self-developed from dead chemicals. Macro-evolution has never been demonstrated. A naturalistic big bang into people scenario is not justified by the actual scientific facts. Supernatural causes are a necessity!
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